Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

Tangie purpling up


I am going to have a disclaimer before I post this so I apologize that this is irrelevant for this thread but I am tired of smart ass comments I receive from the thread where this comment belongs :) And I seem to like this group of peps for growing knowledge! In regards to my indoor grow. I never minded pulling a few nanners off a plant in the later part of the flower period but im about 4 weeks into flowering now and I must have done something terribly wrong because I have more nanners that I have ever seen. Im guessing from my super cropping method. Anyways, to my question... at what point do you say fuck it and just trash the grow. I already pulled the worse of the worse before the pollenated and plucked the ones that had a few. I havent seen any new ones but this is early in the flowering stage and I am worried that if I keep them going I am only wasting time. What do you think? Live and learn, keep plucking, or start over?
Or the pop of a seed exploding in your joint! That was always exciting!

I remember getting home with a lid and spending the next hour cleaning all of the seeds out. You would think CA would be covered with cannabis from all of those seeds!

I know, the amount of seeds in some lids was criminal....sticks, too. Now and then a piece of pea gravel. Pot was much cheaper then.