Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
I've ran into this the past few days with the critical phenotype of two I have that is furthest along. I've been finding and carefully removing it as early as possible, usually between two touching flowers. I figure I need at least 2 weeks and 3 or 4 would be better til harvest, so I hope to keep ahead. So far, and predictably, it's been confined to the lower branches and buds. I hope to help the main colas along at least til last week of this month.

I've grown outdoors for close to 20 years and this is my first time ever dealing with this, but then again, this has been the coolest and wettest summer ever in my 44 years. I read that critical was succeptible to rot and with our high humidity summers, should have known better. I just love the early flower and vigorous bud formation of the hybrid and wish I could find an indica dominant strain that grew like that, yet was fairly rot resistant.



Well-Known Member
Such a well maintained privacy fence, and the plants look good too.:bigjoint:

That's a lot of trimming, all by hand?.
Why thank you. :mrgreen: Yes all by hand. This harvest will stagger though and will have a couple ready at the end of this month or close after and some all so belong to a collective member who will be trimming their own. I have all ready harvested three clones that flowered early so it won't be to bad. The rest I'm just gonna trim the prime and the rest will go into the Hash and Butter box. I can't wait for my indoor season. This summer has been a lot of work up against heat, humidity and Bugs. Fing mites found the Drizella in the greenhouse and I've been spraying every three days neem and BT. I got some fire to run indoors. I can't wait. Oh and people say Marigolds discourage mites and I had some growing next to the Dirzella on the outside of the greenhouse that the mites just love. No mater where I grow marigolds the mites just hammer em.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Why thank you. :mrgreen: Yes all by hand. This harvest will stagger though and will have a couple ready at the end of this month or close after and some all so belong to a collective member who will be trimming their own. I have all ready harvested three clones that flowered early so it won't be to bad. The rest I'm just gonna trim the prime and the rest will go into the Hash and Butter box. I can't wait for my indoor season. This summer has been a lot of work up against heat, humidity and Bugs. Fing mites found the Drizella in the greenhouse and I've been spraying every three days neem and BT. I got some fire to run indoors. I can't wait. Oh and people say Marigolds discourage mites and I had some growing next to the Dirzella on the outside of the greenhouse that the mites just love. No mater where I grow marigolds the mites just hammer em.
That sucks about the mites man. They're the worst. I think the cooler weather up here has kept them at bay for me. Had some aphids munching on a few leaves that looked like mite damage but it was definitely aphids. I noticed a lot of lady bugs hatching on my plants this week though so I think they will help. I'm paranoid about caterpillars right now but so far I'm in the clear.

I think I'm going to have to hire trimmers this year. Last year trimming took me and the wife a long time. We both hate it, we're slow at it, and we both get a little OCD about removing every leaf perfectly. Luckily my sister has a small army of trusted trimmers on call so I think I'm going to fire up the BBQ and make a party of it. Just have to figure out how to pay them. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Why thank you. :mrgreen: Yes all by hand. This harvest will stagger though and will have a couple ready at the end of this month or close after and some all so belong to a collective member who will be trimming their own. I have all ready harvested three clones that flowered early so it won't be to bad. The rest I'm just gonna trim the prime and the rest will go into the Hash and Butter box. I can't wait for my indoor season. This summer has been a lot of work up against heat, humidity and Bugs. Fing mites found the Drizella in the greenhouse and I've been spraying every three days neem and BT. I got some fire to run indoors. I can't wait. Oh and people say Marigolds discourage mites and I had some growing next to the Dirzella on the outside of the greenhouse that the mites just love. No mater where I grow marigolds the mites just hammer em.
I feel ya bro, this weather makes work twice as hard out there. I hate sweating my balls off when looking for bugs, just plain ridiculous! I am happy your SCRoG finally kicked into flowering gear! Everything else is looking great man! I think we have another week of brutal weather and then its going to be under 90's again!



Well-Known Member
Why thank you. :mrgreen: Yes all by hand. This harvest will stagger though and will have a couple ready at the end of this month or close after and some all so belong to a collective member who will be trimming their own. I have all ready harvested three clones that flowered early so it won't be to bad. The rest I'm just gonna trim the prime and the rest will go into the Hash and Butter box. I can't wait for my indoor season. This summer has been a lot of work up against heat, humidity and Bugs. Fing mites found the Drizella in the greenhouse and I've been spraying every three days neem and BT. I got some fire to run indoors. I can't wait. Oh and people say Marigolds discourage mites and I had some growing next to the Dirzella on the outside of the greenhouse that the mites just love. No mater where I grow marigolds the mites just hammer em.
Trimming that drizella gave me fits, took an hour/oz. Coincidentally, it also had a mite issue early on...they must enjoy juicy fruit tasting herb. I have 2 mother's for winter already, but also have a pack of beans sitting here from Sannie/USC...been storing them for over 2 years.

Malawi Gold, always wanted to try this strain out and cannot run it outdoors this far north.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey tws, first off I love the garden...and bodhi does sum awesome gear, truly great breeders...have always heard great things about the goji og would def love to run sum of his stuff one of these days soon.


Well-Known Member
Why thank you. :mrgreen: Yes all by hand. This harvest will stagger though and will have a couple ready at the end of this month or close after and some all so belong to a collective member who will be trimming their own. I have all ready harvested three clones that flowered early so it won't be to bad. The rest I'm just gonna trim the prime and the rest will go into the Hash and Butter box. I can't wait for my indoor season. This summer has been a lot of work up against heat, humidity and Bugs. Fing mites found the Drizella in the greenhouse and I've been spraying every three days neem and BT. I got some fire to run indoors. I can't wait. Oh and people say Marigolds discourage mites and I had some growing next to the Dirzella on the outside of the greenhouse that the mites just love. No mater where I grow marigolds the mites just hammer em.
run that HK she is a beautiful n covered n crystals


Well-Known Member
Jeezus TWS...I don't even know what to say. Specfuckingtacular!!!
TY. look at my scrog it's finally going ! this thing is going to be gnarly ! You are the one who inspired that grow . I luv your scrog from last year.


Well-Known Member
run that HK she is a beautiful n covered n crystals
Got two packs ! That gogi is first up and then I'll start working in some Heri and the Professors gear. Im waiting for Bodhi to drop at the bay. pissing me off it's taking so long.


Well-Known Member
Hey tws, first off I love the garden...and bodhi does sum awesome gear, truly great breeders...have always heard great things about the goji og would def love to run sum of his stuff one of these days soon.
Yea he has some great stuff . That Tranquil elephantizer is pretty great to. A lot of his crosses with the snow lotus are pretty sativa dominant stretch wise. He's gonna be working more towards more indica lines . That gogi was my smallest farthest behind plant this year when it went in it's hole ( 15 gallon nursery pot). I mean a runt. I was warned to watch out for the stretch on that line, She firkin took off and hit a stride that never stopped up until heavy flowering. She is one sticky momma ! :leaf: