Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Harvest went well, another successful outdoor season. TGA super soil is the shit! I gave these plants nothing but plain water and an occasional compost tea. 100% Organic, I'll never grow another way.

Mainlined Gage Green Royal Flush (Chem OG x Joseph OG)

ET Extracts turned my trim into gold

Lots more to show but not enough time to post, more updates coming soon.



Well-Known Member
Been beyond busy lately with trimming and family life so I have a few pics to show of harvest. I'm still not done with 1 plant still a month to go and a few ounces left on one plant to pull. Ugggggg. Enjoy.
This was just the cheese harvest, anded up with about 1.5lbs and I'll be about the same off the amnesia when I'm done.


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Don't smoke a bowl of Amnesia with cheese hash before trimming... I'm vibrating like a dildo on high.... Think I'll take a break and try to finish trimming when my hands calm down. lol Great high.


Well-Known Member
A few more of the lovely Latina babe from this morning's trip to remove the sheet I put over her last night. The cold temps have turned her calyxes a pale purple, almost blue color in just 48 hrs! Also, that bush is woolier than a 70s porn star (just how I like my women, btw, but not my bud)! Maybe the highest leaf to calyx ratio I've ever seen.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've got a Mexican sativa of unknown origin in the ground as we speak. I've got 28-30 degree temps next couple of nights, but I'll cover her and then have another 7 days of upper 40s to near 50 for lows. She's gonna need it, cause I've been saying 2-3 more weeks for 2-3 weeks and her flowers/pistils look exactly like they did a month ago, except larger. I'll post some update pics tomorrow.
What do you use to cover your lady? I have cold night temps coming in less than a week with 2 girls to cover.


Well-Known Member
Man I been really sick since Sunday. I got hit with the flu bug or something. Burning up with fever and not able to hold any solid food down. I feel a little better but still not 100%. I still havent even blasted any of my bud. One of my friends has a 3ft extraction tube that holds a little over a half of pound. I put my foot in the pic for size referrence, we did a run with his material and it was crazy using the 3ft tube. It took 14 cans to purge and was a mother trying to get the product out when done. lol Tomorrow if I feel better, I will be starting my project. Some one asked how many can will I need, well I am not sure yet but I do have 96 cans standing by for blasting.

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So sick bro, Only a Boss Purges half lb's @ a time lol i harvested my first 2 plants out of about 8 and the total
was about 8-9 oz's. it must be good to be you right now.

Shit Garden Boss could take like a 10ft long by 1 ft wide pipe and fill that bitch up. make like a lb of bho lol

cant wait to have a monster set up.

hey fmily with your bho plant how long did it veg? cuz it was huge right? ended up doing like 2.5-3lbs?
did you mainline? and did you double veg in greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
So this is fucking happening, leaves are drying out. Rain has been hitting her hard, had to endure a week of drought and then some more storms. I'm thinking most of the soil has to be root by now, overall started to pale, so I guess there's not much nutes left in that soil. Applied some flower fert, cause it's very gentle with the plants. Buds are not looking bad and do not fall off, but the fan leaves keep on drying out. Haven't had this issue before.



Well-Known Member
Man I been really sick since Sunday. I got hit with the flu bug or something. Burning up with fever and not able to hold any solid food down. I feel a little better but still not 100%. I still havent even blasted any of my bud. One of my friends has a 3ft extraction tube that holds a little over a half of pound. I put my foot in the pic for size referrence, we did a run with his material and it was crazy using the 3ft tube. It took 14 cans to purge and was a mother trying to get the product out when done. lol Tomorrow if I feel better, I will be starting my project. Some one asked how many can will I need, well I am not sure yet but I do have 96 cans standing by for blasting.

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Wow FM!!!!!! kiss-ass

You are seriously making me consider blowing most my head stash into oil!!!! Now I'm hooked on making it and about to set up a sick vac purge chamber.
Here is my latest run of bubblegum oil, 8x 100g tubes 2 cans each, hot water bath purged and each individual pyrex had been scrapped then mity vac purged.
I'm not ecstatic with my end results (purge wise) so I am shooting for a vac set up that is similar to this:
all credit due to GRAY WOLF:


Well-Known Member
So this is fucking happening, leaves are drying out. Rain has been hitting her hard, had to endure a week of drought and then some more storms. I'm thinking most of the soil has to be root by now, overall started to pale, so I guess there's not much nutes left in that soil. Applied some flower fert, cause it's very gentle with the plants. Buds are not looking bad and do not fall off, but the fan leaves keep on drying out. Haven't had this issue before.

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Sad to say but this plant looks like it's on its way out. Did you get a frost or over water/ over feed? When I see leaves drying out on a healthy fully flowering plant I generally can follow the leaf and find mold, which looks to be systemic on your plant as it is not localized to any one area....
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Harvest went well, another successful outdoor season. TGA super soil is the shit! I gave these plants nothing but plain water and an occasional compost tea. 100% Organic, I'll never grow another way.

Mainlined Gage Green Royal Flush (Chem OG x Joseph OG)

ET Extracts turned my trim into gold

Lots more to show but not enough time to post, more updates coming soon.

Nice work Bud, congrats on the harvest! Did you winterize your extraction? Looks great!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm thinking mold too, deep into the plant. And it did was overwatered by nature, for it overgrew the little shed were I put them under. Had to pull the plug on another one yesterday, now this. Overall both of them had a rough last 3 weeks, and I had to neglect them for like a full fortnight.

Gonna have to press the reset button :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So sick bro, Only a Boss Purges half lb's @ a time lol i harvested my first 2 plants out of about 8 and the total
was about 8-9 oz's. it must be good to be you right now.

Shit Garden Boss could take like a 10ft long by 1 ft wide pipe and fill that bitch up. make like a lb of bho lol

cant wait to have a monster set up.

hey fmily with your bho plant how long did it veg? cuz it was huge right? ended up doing like 2.5-3lbs?
did you mainline? and did you double veg in greenhouse?
My outdoor plant was planted in the ground in April! Just outdoors in ground no greenhouse. I havent weighed her yet but I will as I blast her away!

Thanks and honestly I dont like the larger tubes for extracting. I prefer and would use a standard 12"-16" tube. Easy to work with! It took an hour to get all that material out of that 3foot tube. Not worth it IMO.
