Open Show n' Tell 2016

I can't understand why someone wouldn't want free trim just because it has fan leaves in it.... we have bubblehashed male plants before multiple times and ended up with quality hash. Not nearly as much as or as good as sugar leaves but hardly worth throwing away or turning down. I now save up and mix all my male and female fan leaves and male pollen sacks along with the buds sugar leaves. I just dry it all out first and then freeze it before I use it in the bubblebags and we get a damn good return off it.
I'llanswer least for me lol. I don't want any stems or fans in my trim because they take up space, and soak up my coconut oil or butter, making less return on the squeeze
I can't understand why someone wouldn't want free trim just because it has fan leaves in it....

Same reason someone would give it away for nothing. Not worth their time. That's not to say it isn't worth your time; I've given away many ounces worth of airy buds simply because I didn't want to deal with manicuring and curing them. Just not worth my time. My friend however, doesn't mind the hassle.

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Any suggestions for fresh frozen trim. I didn't segregate the sugar from fans so my buddy didn't want it, even for free....I was wanting to make a honey tincture but not sure if I can decatboxilate wet fresh frozen trim. Also I don't want to get into ISO extraction and bho if I can avoid it. I was thinking dry ice but the last time I did it a bunch of the dry ice went through the screen and the Kiev got all wet because i can only source it in tiny pellet form.
My suggestion is that you give it to me for free.
Or dry ice kief it fresh frozen and immediately rosin press and make live rosin