Open Show n' Tell 2016

They just ca
I'm not sure I follow. Fully automatic weapons mean you pull the trigger one time and more than one bullet comes out. ARs aren't fully auto. They are no different than my walnut stock semi auto Remington, except they are black and military style in appearance only which freaks out some who have zero idea.
They make what is called a bump stock NOW for the ARs that makes it fulley auto or one shot at a time.The atf are going crazey thrying to stop the sell of them BUT THEY CANT not as of yet.Some one I know bought two of the new bump stocks for both of there ARs and it is amazing what its like to shoot them with it added on.fulley auto was not me.They are on youtube videows of them on youtube so you can see that I tell you the
Glad that gun law was brought in..especially after listening to the killer giggle when told does he realise he shot 2 babies point blank :(
Prob the only thing im happy an aussie prime minister has done for us
I wish it was something as simple as a gun to blame for all of the public massacres that have taken place in the last 20-30yrs but it isn't. Things like that are a symptom of our societies moral degradation, and if there were no guns on the planet insane people would still commit these crimes with the next best weapon or whatever was handy at the time they went crazy
Hey friends, so I know this is a grow forum, but do you think you guys could help me with a homework assignment for my entrepreneurship class?

My assignment was to make a survey to collect data for the company I am developing, and I need at least 25 surveys filled out for full credit. Also, if you guys want to give me any feedback on here that would be really cool, just PM me. It's a company that develops ideas into products by sourcing overseas manufacturers. It's kind of like ordering a pizza, you tell me what you want, and I'll deliver it to your door. << It's 10 questions and will take 3 minutes. Even if nothing applies to you because you don't have an invention you want produced, you can just play fantasy, haha.
Hey friends, so I know this is a grow forum, but do you think you guys could help me with a homework assignment for my entrepreneurship class?

My assignment was to make a survey to collect data for the company I am developing, and I need at least 25 surveys filled out for full credit. Also, if you guys want to give me any feedback on here that would be really cool, just PM me. It's a company that develops ideas into products by sourcing overseas manufacturers. It's kind of like ordering a pizza, you tell me what you want, and I'll deliver it to your door. << It's 10 questions and will take 3 minutes. Even if nothing applies to you because you don't have an invention you want produced, you can just play fantasy, haha.
1 down
I wish it was something as simple as a gun to blame for all of the public massacres that have taken place in the last 20-30yrs but it isn't. Things like that are a symptom of our societies moral degradation, and if there were no guns on the planet insane people would still commit these crimes with the next best weapon or whatever was handy at the time they went crazy
Dont get me wrong im not blaming the guns...i just think with 35 dead ( 12 in 15 secs with the AR) im glad that law was brought in for my country
Hey friends, so I know this is a grow forum, but do you think you guys could help me with a homework assignment for my entrepreneurship class?

My assignment was to make a survey to collect data for the company I am developing, and I need at least 25 surveys filled out for full credit. Also, if you guys want to give me any feedback on here that would be really cool, just PM me. It's a company that develops ideas into products by sourcing overseas manufacturers. It's kind of like ordering a pizza, you tell me what you want, and I'll deliver it to your door. << It's 10 questions and will take 3 minutes. Even if nothing applies to you because you don't have an invention you want produced, you can just play fantasy, haha.
Done..i invented fluro tags for VNs plants so when its dark tws can still see what the plants are