Open Show n' Tell 2016

Wow. Seriously, wow.

This year I'm putting a couple in 10 (yes ten) gallon pots, to keep them small enough to move into the garage if I need to finish them there at the end of the season. The rest are going into.... eh.... a 100' x 100' pot... known as the ground in my backyard. I will dig about 18 cubic feet (3x3x2) of native ground out per plant and fill it with a mix of compost, steer manure, peat moss, chicken manure, etc. (all from the local farm store), to give them a good start, and then they're on their own. Obviously your harvest goals are orders of magnitude larger than mine. ;)

Last summer (my first outdoor) I grew two in 100 gallon smart pots and two in 100 gallon sized holes I dug in the ground and filled with the same good soil I put in the smart pots. I really didn't notice any difference between the two. Maybe that's because their ultimate potentials were all actually limited by my lack of experience -- but they all bulked up, filled out, and were generally healthy.

Other than things like gophers, what are the advantages of potting them outdoors? I see most folks who know what they're doing, do it (which is why I tried it last year). Thanks for the info --

I try to dig all my holes at least 32" across and 24" deep. That is 83.5 gallons. Several are bigger, but few smaller. All of my 70 odd holes are in the ground. The longer the walk, the less soil I pack in. Some are just 13-13-13, time release plant food, lime, Epsom salts and vermiculite. Others have 20 gallons of my soil mix mixed in with the dirt. With as many holes as I have, there is no way I could pack in 85 gallons per hole. Some of them are a solid half hour walk from the closest parking spot. I have carried 15 gallons of soil for short walks. That is one bucket full in my pack and a bucket in each hand. Just a little dab of that will do you.

But I'm going to help a friend grow a few in a swamp, and will have to use grow bags. I explained the bigger the container, the bigger the plant. He pretty much told me he was lazy and didn't want to carry a lot of soil across the swamp. Since I already told him I would help, I'm going to use some homemade 5 gallon grow bags. I'll get him started, {including a few of my seeds}, look after them until the first topping, then he's on his own. If he makes an ounce per plant, I'll look at it as a success. That will also take some of the pressure off my harvest.
im looking forward to watching yours this year mate I enjoyed watching the sativa you had last year..purple haze ?

Yep.. Prob. Won't do that one again, too long of flower time for a pure sativa.. I hope by crossing the PH with Jurple big bud I will get a nice sativa with shorter flower time..

I am thinking I will do all my outdoor plants from seed this year.. I kind of like that you don't really know what you got till it flowers ;-)