Open Show n' Tell 2016

My Mad Purps X Cherry Pie branch had no seeds. :(
But I do have new......
Mad Purps X Grand Master
Cherry Pie X Grand Master
Grand Master X Grand Master
Cherry Pie X Cherry Pie
Grand Master X Orange Romulin
...and a few other pheno crosses.
I'll be running my Mad Purps seeds this spring hoping for a male & female to use for breeding. Plenty of new gear to run.
sweet!......have you tried the GMK rosin?
My Mad Purps X Cherry Pie branch had no seeds. :(
But I do have new......
Mad Purps X Grand Master
Cherry Pie X Grand Master
Grand Master X Grand Master
Cherry Pie X Cherry Pie
Grand Master X Orange Romulin
...and a few other pheno crosses.
I'll be running my Mad Purps seeds this spring hoping for a male & female to use for breeding. Plenty of new gear to run.
Were you using the c silver for the branches tmb ?
Those crosses sound fantastic especially the purpsxgmk and cherry piexgmk
Hell the romulin cross could be a winner to
Never tried the Chernobyl Slymer. But the golden goat will get anyone's attention in my most humble opinion.It is gold in color as any I have ever seen with deep red hairs down in the middle of the buds. The high last for several hours with a giggle you want forget. As you can see , I do not have a way with wording my views.
Hi All,
Anyone know what happened to Herbies seeds....."closed until further notice" on the website!
There's a thread here somewhere on the site. someone has emailed them with no response last I checked. but most think they lost their ability to process credit cards