Open Show and Tell 2017-18

Does anyone know what is happening here? Over 50 percent of my plants are doing this. Curling leafs and single bladed leafs, some tops are stretching but almost all of them just started flowering in the past week-two. It almost looks like reveg but that's strange since they just flipped and they all early getaway strains.happening in different patches with different strains (getaway special, stumbleweed and sea dragon). Some in the ground some in bags. I'm thinking it could be nitrogen toxicity or reveg or pH or just genetics but the flowers look like they've regressed. I used dolomite lime but I know most have grown down into the swamp and I'm not sure the ph of the ground. I went a little heavy on the seaweed juice one feeding like 10x concentrated because it was raining and forecasted to get 20 mm and it stopped raining right after I fed the concentrate...but there's no burned tips. Any ideas?
ive cooked plants( not burned leaves but curled up and dried up from too much salt ) before using to much seaweed juice and only double the regular amount too much a good thing isnt a good thing
ive cooked plants( not burned leaves but curled up and dried up from too much salt ) before using to much seaweed juice and only double the regular amount too much a good thing isnt a good thing
I had no issues and never fed more then a cup per 5 gallon but it was expected to rain 25-30mm and hauling water to my plants 10 gallons at a time is close to impossible considering the terrains and the distance between patches and water source. My tarps and water holes were completely dry so I hauled in a 10x concentrate and fed two cups each expecting the forecasted rain would dilute it out quickly let to have the rain stop and we only got maybe 2-3 mm of rain....been a crazy summer, I think there may be a few issues at hand. The single leaves look like reveg for sure, they aren't drying up like you speak of but I definitely overdid it that one feeding. I need to work on a pump to fill tarps next year, I got them out way too late, live and learn I guess.
Most have been out for two months that's y I am confused. I already chopped a few that revenges after flowering hard because the flowers rotted the stem after revegging I set em out far too early and it appears they are revegging/trying to go back into flower. If you have a long enough season they will right themselves over time but the yield will suffer and the bud may look a bit dicey.

SEEDS can be set out like that...the plants are not mature. Clones, however, are mature and will respond to the light immediately....whichever way it may be trending. (whether it be pre or after Solstice)

Best of luck going forward. Live and learn.
I had no issues and never fed more then a cup per 5 gallon but it was expected to rain 25-30mm and hauling water to my plants 10 gallons at a time is close to impossible considering the terrains and the distance between patches and water source. My tarps and water holes were completely dry so I hauled in a 10x concentrate and fed two cups each expecting the forecasted rain would dilute it out quickly let to have the rain stop and we only got maybe 2-3 mm of rain....been a crazy summer, I think there may be a few issues at hand. The single leaves look like reveg for sure, they aren't drying up like you speak of but I definitely overdid it that one feeding. I need to work on a pump to fill tarps next year, I got them out way too late, live and learn I guess.
I used 22 gals of juice last yr, I always mixed 150 ml bout half cup per 5 gal surprised they not burnt right up.looks like u got reveg going on what date u put those out?
well this is my baby its a random kush from seed i was given to see what i could do with it as i was messing around with the overgrow auto freedom dream well i guess i will post both. i know the auto dont look the best but im happy with her she was a short stack strain and blow past how big i was told it would get, i was told it would only grow to 3-4 feet stopped at 6 and a half feet. i think this is my 4th grow 1st time i really did more then putting seed in ground and seeing what happens i will try to take pics to the end this time and not forget


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The two bigger ones are bubblegum cookies x romulan timewreck(one of my in house pollen chucking projects). Sadly I think they might end up being males. The two smaller plants are gg4 bagseed

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I love the structure on the bubblegum cookies x romulan wreck . I'm thinking about hitting up one of my indiana bubblegum x polar bear og females with the pollen.