Open Show and Tell 2017-18


Like 8-9 feet tall, was standing on something tall and holding phone up as high as I could.

Recent Temps:

6/17 - 100° f
6/18 - 107° f
6/19 - 108° f
6/20 - 110° f
6/21 - 107° f
6/22 - 109° f

Like I said, I have never had cannabis complain about the heat...
Your gonna have 14ft+ ganja trees dancing in the wind
So pissed. I snapped one of my best 2warp plant clean in half on accident when I was fixing the stake an wire support. She was looking awesome too :( I guess on the bright so de I collected some pollen sacs from a male R2 an an 2warp. Going to store it in a pill container for later use on some females. On patch is doing not so well right now because it ps pretty flooded but that spot always shines when the summer heat ad drought sinks in, as it sit a right above the water table.
I have a couple fuck ups every year happens but the plants come back