Open Show and Tell 2017-18

Three small testers out to see how they do ( sea level). The early ones I started are getting too big and lanky those are going to be challenging to get out to the grounds as they are all two feet already and growing fast . One straight in a 15 gallon smart pot in the swamp and two in the greenhouse at the holding grounds. Not supposed to go below 5 Celsius at night from here on in, last frost date is may 11th but it's gonna be nice for the next two weeks with highs of 14-20 during the day. Gonna start another round in a few days with about 8-9 different crosses, including some sea dragon, honeybee x skidder trail, and a bunch of others thanks to the members on here also will have my 8 crosses ready soon once the beans dry all are maniak crack x various strains and sea level crossed with various strains.


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I fucking hate gophers. Cats have been killing them left and right, my dog has gotten two, and still they wreak havoc on my garden. I had three nice spaghetti squash plants and the same number of butternut squash...the damn gophers are getting them one at a time. I bombed several fresh holes yesterday only to find another plant gone today.

Ok, rant over. Fucking gophers...
So I was bitching about gophers earlier. Smoke bombs and road flares did nothing, gopher didn't give a shit. Finally a $7 spring trap got it within an hour of setting. My ferocious dog finished it off. She's now gotten 2.5 gophers this spring, this one only counts for half since I did most of the work :bigjoint:.IMG_20170504_200342.jpg