Open Show and Tell 2017-18

Thanks know how I love that SR71 ;)
Looks like your going to be happy.
She looks to be a "fatty" as well.
You know, one of those girls that's first at the buffet line....."a big girl"
Well done. I think your the only one growing the Cherry Grand Master this season, maybe @rsbigdaddy might be as well though. I'm very curious about that girl.
Looks like your going to be happy.
She looks to be a "fatty" as well.
You know, one of those girls that's first at the buffet line....."a big girl"
Well done. I think your the only one growing the Cherry Grand Master this season, maybe @rsbigdaddy might be as well though. I'm very curious about that girl.
The sr71 still remains one of my favourite plants grown....frost machine that took its time past my usual harvest dates by over a month but we'll worth the weight (see what I did there )
I seen the sr71 green a couple lightweights out that tried joints of it i rolled up one night.
Including one school teacher throwing up on my front lawn after smoking one lol
Looks like your going to be happy.
She looks to be a "fatty" as well.
You know, one of those girls that's first at the buffet line....."a big girl"
Well done. I think your the only one growing the Cherry Grand Master this season, maybe @rsbigdaddy might be as well though. I'm very curious about that girl.
So how do I get some cherry grand master seeds ;)
Thx man...looks like her twin sister.
Already tried a tester bud...really nice.
I love BD, it's my git up and get shit done smoke.
Glad to here she'll hold her weight, I should have enough to get me thru.
It's the only one that gets me going straightaway im mostly an Indica or Indica dom smoker but the blue dream gives me a nice energetic boost with nearly no "munchie" effects
The popsicle sticks and toothpick's? If that is what you are referring to, they are to open the dense areas of the bud up for better air flow and ventilation. I am kinda having trouble in that certain area with bud rot. I have read in several places that this helps prevent it. We shall see.

I will be receiving my $300.00 20oz bottle of Bayer FLINT soon, so hopefully I can do away with using popsicle sticks from now on lol. It is systematic, effective for botrytis and bud rot attacks from the inside out so I am going to attack it systematically.
I fought the rot in western mass with bacillus subtillus. It’s at any garden store and it’s a bacteria no chemicals. It kills the rot directly but if you want it running through your plants veins u should have been using it in the summer. Not sure how magical the flint is for 300$ does it come in an IV to hang and feed!!