Open Show and Tell 2015!

Drake that panama looks so good its hard to describe it....lovely color wats the smell like ?oh man ive never smoked anything with purple in it before yummo
Drake? Yeah me either man shes still drying up but ill get some dry pics ones shes done! Smells sooo good like I cant really describe it hah Like if someone got a grapey berry flavored lolly and melted it onto the bud. One of my good mates said it smelt like poison and someone else said it smelt like smoke hahah Will be my first time smoking purple weed and weed with no indica in it
Drake? Yeah me either man shes still drying up but ill get some dry pics ones shes done! Smells sooo good like I cant really describe it hah Like if someone got a grapey berry flavored lolly and melted it onto the bud. One of my good mates said it smelt like poison and someone else said it smelt like smoke hahah Will be my first time smoking purple weed and weed with no indica in it
Fuk knows wat it is man but im always confusing u and @freemandrake together
I think its the Orange Velvet in Jilly Bean as Agent Orange is a hermie lady too sometimes. I've seen SinCity Tangerine Power and Frozen Tangerine show a herm before so I'm sure it the Orange Velvet. With stresses like that no surprise she termed on them but I believe with proper growing she will be just fine.

Thank you for the info.. I was thinking it was the stress she was put under that caused it. I have had two people tell me they don't like Jilly bean because it is known to hermie? Waiting to see how @Mohican is doing with his Jurple since I know he knows how to grow plants correct..
Thank you for the info.. I was thinking it was the stress she was put under that caused it. I have had two people tell me they don't like Jilly bean because it is known to hermie? Waiting to see how @Mohican is doing with his Jurple since I know he knows how to grow plants correct..

Believe me when I say I'm sure it was the stress she was put under that made her herm. The trait is there but I think long as things are right the trait won't show. But the way they treated her cloning her to death and the 90 degree heat made her herm. Mo should let you know wassup with it too
Working on getting my seed order together for April 1st.

Kinda feel like I'm running a bit behind but this is the same time I ordered them last year. Maybe next year I'll step up my seed ordering date.

Hopefully soon I'll have something to share.

For now I guees I could get my excavator fired up and clear all the snow away from my greenhouse.!
jurple is looking good!! Nights should still be cool enought to get purple ;-)

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@doubletake - Wow - my AK never got pink hairs!

@FLkeys1 - I have never gotten any hermi Jilly girls outside. Although I think most got pollinated by males so they would not have needed to hermi. We will see how the tester seeds do.

I collected the Jaki and the Paki pollen today.

Here is a pic of the Jurple, Jaki, and Maku:
