The unmarked one, (small) is a plant disinfectant, to reduce and repair stress, light burn and nuit burn it smells like mild tcp lol, but in no way effects flavor or melecular construction of the plants, it like a cure and it works

- you put all that stuff into your weed? need a new strain if you need all that to grow !REALLy

I know its excessive, and i dont really need it all but i like to think that in doing so i will reap the best possible rewards my setup has to offer, i like to control every aspect of my grow so i can individually tweek height, density colour, weight, smell, texture, resin, thc and smell, I am saving for a thermostat and small heater and a co2 reader/meter then i have everything i need

i hope to breed but really need to do my homework so's to speak, cos not a clue yet