Open for Questions: Round two. Tell Obama to end the drug war

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Yah, get all the way to the end. Even if people have only clicked on a question, please go till the end.
Just search marijuana if thats all you feel like clicking even..


Well-Known Member
You list but according to NORML it is you need to vote on, the other is just for looks or I don't know what, maybe throw some people off like having thousands of different posts on the same marijuana topic takes away from having just one get all the votes I think.

Here is what NORML says:

Final Round of Voting Starts Now!
Mon, 05 Jan 2009 20:25:22 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
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Starting today, (not to be confused with the Obama administration’s website,, which is also running a poll) has begun it’s final round of voting on public policy questions for the incoming administration.
As many of you know, our issue was the top vote getter in the preliminary voting, so there’s a very good chance that — with your help — we will finish #1.
And it is important that we do.
According to the website:
“The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea in collaboration with our nonprofit partners to turn each idea into actual policy.“’s press conference will no doubt be covered by the mainstream media. Imagine the splash we will make when the public’s call to legalize marijuana is presented as the #1 idea for the new administration.
Well, we won’t have to imagine if you get out and vote!
Right now, the public’s call to “legalize the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana” is the most popular issue on the website. (A related question asking Obama to “end the war on drugs” is #4.) However, several other important issues are just a few votes behind, so it is vital that those of you reading this post take the time to log on to the Ideas for Change website and vote to make cannabis legalization the #1 issue in America!
Voting ends at 5pm eastern time on Thursday, January 15.
Help us put the new administration and the national press on notice on January 16, 2008. Please forward this post to your friends and colleagues, and most of all: vote!

Marijuana Law Reform - NORML


New Member is Obamas website where open for questions is. that's the one we want everyone to visit, ask and vote .

Stand and be counted.


Well-Known Member
Well which one counts? The one they actually have to answer to and that promises they will appoint commities on the winning ideas?


New Member
I didn't even see anything about asking questions on that site.

The site is the site set up by Obama's administration that they claim they will be considering. The first round they gave a short canned answer about "Obama doesn't support the legalization of marijuana". This really pissed people off and this round they are letting him have it. He did promise science instead of lies and people aren't letting him forget it.

Go to and make your question, vote on other peoples questions. The more of us that visit the website, the more they will have to pay attention to us. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Well-Known Member
I already did both days ago, I just want to know then does NORML have it wrong or what? Do we all need to do both? Why would NORML have it wrong then I have passed that press release on to thousands. Did I waste my time?


New Member
I don't know where the other website came from, or who's running it. Is it a private group or something? There was a link for "non-profits" to sign up. Sounds like it's someone's little money maker.

I went back and looked again and that site is "what do you want to change in the world" , it doesn't say anything about Obama or the US specifically. I don't know why Norml would list this site and not


New Member
Wait, the questions are going to be presented to Obama at a press conference no way to dodge the issue there. This is a good thing, I signed up and voted, they need 9 more votes to take the issue to the conference. Think we can drum up 9 votes around here?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
It looks like someone is trying to confuse us potheads.LOL.Normal does say that the site is the one to go to.I went to both of them and voted.When both sites have the top question on marijuana,he will have a hard time evading the question.OPH


New Member
I voted on both too. I guess Obama doesn't know that todays potheads like to smoke while surfing the interent. Surprise surprise to him.


Well-Known Member
I think that the war on terror was started to take over the war on drugs, its probably a bigger money maker... The only prod is someday we might be classed as terrorist for the reason that people that come up with these.


Well-Known Member
I think like all GOP members he will find a way to twist and worm his way out of it… By the end we wont know if weed is a good thing or a bad thing. Although a dream come true would be for the man to look at the camera and say “Read my lips no more bull shit on bull shit that don’t mean shit!” He would end his speech by calling all of the crazy people a bunch of jive ass turkeys!


New Member
That was a pretty good video, I wonder if Obama will see it and actually listen to what is being said.

Is that your video Slu2? If so :clap: :clap: :clap: to you :mrgreen: