Open Carry at the RNC?

So is the claim "statistics show that an armed population makes for a safer society." right or wrong?

There are also countries that have no gun control that have much higher rates of violence than the US, and none in the western world with higher rates of gun deaths. Countries in the west with less guns have less deaths, fact
If you're going to hold me to the literal definition of my claim as stated I would have to say that it is neither. If you compare the US to western Europe were not as safe. If you compare us to Mexico (having much stricter gun laws) we are safer than them. I'd say it's a meaningless claim without clarification.

When I said makes for a safer society I meant OUR society.

You can study this in the united states. Chicago and DC have local governments that have as much control on guns as the law will allow.

How is their safety compared to Houston or Atlanta?

In our society, the more we allow citizens to carry guns, the data isn't hard and fast, but gun control cities have more crime than open carry or shall issue permit laws. Chicago is a may issue city.
that is the least subtle possible way to say that you cling to guns because you fear "A multi cultural country" [SIC].

you want to kill other cultures. you want to be homogeneous. and white. we get that, bignbushy.
Go tell the Hutus and the Tootsies that in Rwanda. Go tell the Suni and the Shia that.

Mid eastern countries that are mostly one or the other have less violence than mid eastern countries that have a mix.

Ireland is the only British isle with a large catholic population. How well have they gotten along with the protestant section?
Go tell the Hutus and the Tootsies that in Rwanda. Go tell the Suni and the Shia that.

Mid eastern countries that are mostly one or the other have less violence than mid eastern countries that have a mix.

Ireland is the only British isle with a large catholic population. How well have they gotten along with the protestant section?

That's the Tutsi ethnic group and Sunni religion, ye who be clearly too cool for spellcheck.

And we're supposed to believe the rest of your so obviously well researched drivel?
If you're going to hold me to the literal definition of my claim as stated I would have to say that it is neither.
I'm left wondering what it would take for you to admit you were wrong

In my mind, the strongest thing you can do is admit you are wrong

I think you're the weakest man I've ever conversed with

If you compare the US to western Europe were not as safe. If you compare us to Mexico (having much stricter gun laws) we are safer than them. I'd say it's a meaningless claim without clarification.

When I said makes for a safer society I meant OUR society.

You can study this in the united states. Chicago and DC have local governments that have as much control on guns as the law will allow.

How is their safety compared to Houston or Atlanta?

In our society, the more we allow citizens to carry guns, the data isn't hard and fast, but gun control cities have more crime than open carry or shall issue permit laws. Chicago is a may issue city.
I'm not interested in talking to someone who can't be honest with me or with himself

This'll be the last interaction between us. Have a good one, man
I live in a state where it's a safe assumption that everyone is armed out in public.

It isn't that there are negative consequences of this reality of allowing guns to be carried almost everywhere. One can even carry in a bar here.

But yes, occasionally someone in legal possession of a firearm uses it in an illegal way.

But statistics show that an armed population makes for a safer society. There are more crimes prevented by an armed population than caused by it.

the secret service banned guns at the gop convention in florida. the arena this event is being held at bans all weapons from it's property as is their right
Go tell the Hutus and the Tootsies that in Rwanda. Go tell the Suni and the Shia that.

Mid eastern countries that are mostly one or the other have less violence than mid eastern countries that have a mix.

Ireland is the only British isle with a large catholic population. How well have they gotten along with the protestant section?

you assertion that multiculturalism equals violence is white supremacy propaganda put out by losers like david duke, and that's it.

at least you make it obvious who your propaganda comes from.
It's not multiculturalism, it's the culture of te minorities. Do you actually believe for a minute that the proportion of violent crime is is a direct correlation to population numbers? No it isnt. Minorities are far, far more likely to commit violent crimes across the spectrum, in comparison to non minorities. How many times have you heard man, of we only had more minorities in this city, I'm sure rates of crime would decrease, if we only had more minorities I'm sure property values would go up, as would the local public schools standing.

Guess what, it doesn't fucking happen....EVER. As a matter of fact there is an undeniable statistical truth, that as the proportion of minorities increases witin a population, te is a proportionate increase I crime. This is fact.

Until violent douchebags can drop the trappings of their "culture" which states that any disagreement, regardless of how small must be resolved by violence, nothing will change. Until those that ascribe to this culture admit that if one seeks to better themselves through employment or education, by default, this does not make them weak, or an "uncle tom" then the stupidity, violence, and igorance will continue. Whom do you believe is doing all the killing in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, St. Louis, etc.? Just a hint, it aint the Caucasians and Asians.
It's not multiculturalism, it's the culture of te minorities. Do you actually believe for a minute that the proportion of violent crime is is a direct correlation to population numbers? No it isnt. Minorities are far, far more likely to commit violent crimes across the spectrum, in comparison to non minorities. How many times have you heard man, of we only had more minorities in this city, I'm sure rates of crime would decrease, if we only had more minorities I'm sure property values would go up, as would the local public schools stadig.

Guess what, it doesn't fucking happen....EVER. As a matter of fact there is an undeniable statistical truth, that as the proportion of minorities increases witin a population, te is a proportionate increase I crime. This is fact.

Until violent douchebags can drop the trappings of their "culture" which states that any disagreement, regardless of how small must be resolved by violence, nothing will change. Until those that ascribe to this culture admit that if one seeks to better themselves through employment or education, by default, this does not make them weak, or an "uncle tom" then the stupidity, violence, and igorance will continue. Whom do you believe is doing all the killing in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, St. Louis, etc.? Just a hint, it aint the Caucasians and Asians.
somehow, i am still surprised at how many racists we have on this forum.

by now, i shouldn't be.
Basic facts and undeniable statistical proof as well as established empirical data does not equal racism. Nice deflection though, try again.
I'd be really happy if they handed them out as party favors along with the confetti and joy rattles for when the candidate is selected. Roof repairs needed when drunk and happy delegates celebrate the selection of Trump, and they start firing the guns into the air.
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. As a matter of fact there is an undeniable statistical truth, that as the proportion of minorities increases witin a population, te is a proportionate increase I crime. This is fact.
If its an undeniable statistical truth then you should be able to produce undeniable statistical proof of that. I'm not aware of any such. Perhaps you can point me to a link?

Oh, have you ever heard that correlation doesn't prove causation? That proof had better be more than a demographics chart.
The Tootsies, LOL
They make horrible candy

you assertion that multiculturalism equals violence is white supremacy propaganda put out by losers like david duke, and that's it.

at least you make it obvious who your propaganda comes from.
Yeah... remind me again how street gangs primarily divide themselves?

Nationality and race.
Hey, I was just wondering if you guys knew the policy on open carry at the 2016 Republican National Convention? It's being held in Cleveland and according to Google, "It is 100% legal to openly carry firearms in the state of Ohio as long as you follow the rules and procedures that go along with it.", so I would imagine it'll be allowed, can anyone confirm?
According to most open carry states, your right to open carry is only valid if the venue allows it and it is under a certain # of people. Since the venue has a no firearms/weapons rule, open carry law means squat unless given specific permission from the venue. I cant seem to find too much on OCL's regarding open carry rules. Probably safe to say its no schools/bars/banks/churches or venues that hold more than #### people.