It's not multiculturalism, it's the culture of te minorities. Do you actually believe for a minute that the proportion of violent crime is is a direct correlation to population numbers? No it isnt. Minorities are far, far more likely to commit violent crimes across the spectrum, in comparison to non minorities. How many times have you heard man, of we only had more minorities in this city, I'm sure rates of crime would decrease, if we only had more minorities I'm sure property values would go up, as would the local public schools stadig.
Guess what, it doesn't fucking happen....EVER. As a matter of fact there is an undeniable statistical truth, that as the proportion of minorities increases witin a population, te is a proportionate increase I crime. This is fact.
Until violent douchebags can drop the trappings of their "culture" which states that any disagreement, regardless of how small must be resolved by violence, nothing will change. Until those that ascribe to this culture admit that if one seeks to better themselves through employment or education, by default, this does not make them weak, or an "uncle tom" then the stupidity, violence, and igorance will continue. Whom do you believe is doing all the killing in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, St. Louis, etc.? Just a hint, it aint the Caucasians and Asians.