OP 3 Grand Daddy Purp Clone


Active Member
I think my baby is dead. Nute Lock OUT. Her main stem is yellow. DAMN Ph up and DOwn are needed for next try. :( At least i got some shit to smoke. Cheers


Active Member
sweet false alarm. She was REALLY THIRSTY, but she is nute locked out so she is going to get chopped soon. I just plan on feeding her water till than.


Well-Known Member
Hi there r2! how's it going ?

How are you doing with the nute lock out ? the plant looks quite good apart from that, and it's quite a big plant for a pc grow.

I'm doing better with the powdery mildew and keeping in mind your advice to clean the box, may have to do it at some point.

I see that you are using one of those horizontal pots to grow, does the plant use all the soil on the sides as well ? I tried with a small 1L horizontal pot and didn't the expected success but I think it was because of something else, may try it again, would you recommend it ?


Active Member
Hi there r2! how's it going ?

How are you doing with the nute lock out ? the plant looks quite good apart from that, and it's quite a big plant for a pc grow.

I'm doing better with the powdery mildew and keeping in mind your advice to clean the box, may have to do it at some point.

I see that you are using one of those horizontal pots to grow, does the plant use all the soil on the sides as well ? I tried with a small 1L horizontal pot and didn't the expected success but I think it was because of something else, may try it again, would you recommend it ?

She is doing fine, just harvesting earlier and not as fat as she could be.
Nice i hope you resolve the problem.
Yes she gets root bound. Not this grow b/c of the tiger bloom/ph issue, but my last grow with just water, she got root bound.


Active Member
Day 64
Flower 54
I think she has only a week or so left, so i rotated her to have the 3 taller buds get more light. Next water (which might be tonight) is going to be a cocktail of grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I plan to add just a bit more than what the chart says.
two of the pictures shows her main stem and how it's yellow and spreading "slowly" up.
Thanks for all the support.



Well-Known Member
Day 64
Flower 54
I think she has only a week or so left, so i rotated her to have the 3 taller buds get more light. Next water (which might be tonight) is going to be a cocktail of grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I plan to add just a bit more than what the chart says.
two of the pictures shows her main stem and how it's yellow and spreading "slowly" up.
Thanks for all the support.
Hey r2! shouldn't you stop giving her nutes if you are only a week left to harvest ? I believe you'll end up smoking all that stuff you are going to put on the plant that close to harvest.


Active Member
Day 65
Flower 55
I just Feed her a cocktail of grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I am thinking next wednesday MIGHT be chop day. I will continue to feed her the cocktail till Monday. Maybe earlier if more leaves die. Then it's flush for the few days; 1 gallon per day. At that point i am not worried about over watering.



Active Member
ahha I shouldn't have added any of the grow big at this stage. on some buds the PURPLE has converted back to green growth. I hope they will go purp by chop day. I have a camera lens now, so i can see the trichroms, but not enough to have the best view. I could allow my baby some more days of life since i got this tool. The/If next watering i am going to blast her with tiger bloom 3tsp and big blooms 3tbl, if the trichroms aren't amber.
My baby is a Indica, so i hope she will produce a stoney heavy body high as she can be.
Every sample (wet, right after picking) i have taken (non-purp); the high was there, but not indica high. So I might wait till the last leaf gets eaten. It's seems like that so far.
Stay High
What's Up All.


Active Member
man, cant wait to see the buds off her when you harvest!!
I can wait which is good, but i can't wait. I wanted to chop her tonight but the ratio isn't right.
I am looking for that "couch lock". She is an early bird, so i don't mind waiting a bit more for the proper amberage.

Day 70
Day 60
She is Frosty. 40/60 Amber/Milky ratio. I could chop now and maybe get a 65/45 (guess hope) amber/milky. But since she is early i can wait for the proper time. I can't wait to make eatables.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
looking good r2, heres a little thing on when to harvest, you dont want wait to long or the thc starts to degrade.

When to harvest
Trichomes are small appendages that look like hairs. They are produced by marijuana, and other plants. Female marijuana plants produce certain trichomes that are a rich source of THC. These trichomes can be found in their largest concentration on the buds. They start out clear, turn a milky color, then turn amber (light brown).
The trichomes in picture 1 are clear. After the plant has flowered for a few weeks, the trichomes start to turn a milky color (picture 2). After a few more weeks, they will be totally milky in color. In the later stages of flowering, trichomes will turn to a light brown color (picture 3). The amount of time required to get to this point depends on the marijuana strain and the growing conditions.
In picture 2 you can see the stems have started to turn from a clear color to a milky translucent color. For maximum THC content and a more cerebral and energetic high, harvest your plants when a majority of the trichomes on the plants in your garden are a fully milky translucent color.
You can wait until most of the trichomes have started to turn amber, but the resulting marijuana will produce more of a sleepy body stone than it would if plants were harvested earlier. The trichome in picture 3 is about 90% amber, with just a trace of the milky translucent color it previously possessed.
After the trichome is fully amber in color, the THC starts to degrade. This makes it very important to harvest marijuana at the time before a majority of the trichomes have attained a total amber color. If not, the marijuana will not be as potent as it could have been.
Based on that information once trichomes have turned milky white maximum THC levels have been reached and remain at that level until fully amber. So any time between filly milky white and fully amber is the peak THC level and when each person needs to decide when to harvest in that period of time is solely based on each individuals personal preference in high or stone of combination of each.
In short the prime time to harvest is variable based on personal preference as long as it is between when the trichomes have turned fully milky white and when they are fully amber.


Active Member
OK i am CHOPPING her NOW! my friend thought it was a good idea. I agreed but then i rearranged her, then differ from the path. b/c 1 week means shes eating herself during this time. Right on. I am on it.


Active Member
Alright i decided to chop her today. I forgot that even though i want AMBER trichs the thc will degrade. So here are the pictures, and i don't plan to weigh her till she's dry.
This grow was quick compared to my second grow by 8 days. But these buds look and smell 200% better. Nute lock sure blew but i learned a lot.
Wish List:
ph test kit
electric ph water tester
More Soil.
Thinking of going Mylar. Might just get more Black/White Poly
4" Inline Fan (x2)
4" Carbon Filter
Mini Fans (Air Movement is KEY)
Fence 1-2" Squares
BIG TUB (pot)
Wood for Frames
And what else comes to mind when i get there
Pro Dreams: Table for double grow
The next OP is going to be grand, but won't happen till the weekend. Upgrading to a 5'x5'x7' box and maybe a hps. Hydro was in the works, but i still haven't approved my green thumb. Going to 4 way LST Scrog grow. Strain; well when i get to the club and decide then i will let you all know.

