

Well-Known Member
So, I'm in the 10th week of flowering and I'm not sure how I did this because, even though this is my first grow I've not killed a plant until now, but I guess I let one plant go too long without watering and it dried out quick. The buds are now crispy, and it's been about a week and shows no signs of recovery.

I've snipped a couple smaller buds and the high is there but unsatisfactory. I'm now trying to figure out what the best thing to do with this plant is. Some options:

1) Cut it down, try to moisten with lettuce, and cure. Maybe the high will get better and I'll have some so-so bud.

2) Put the whole thing in the blender and see how much hash I can produce. I've got about 3/4 to 1oz of dry bud on the plant, and it is very crystally, so maybe I'll get some decent hash out of the deal.

3) Screw it, just cut it down and smoke it as-is. Not worth the hassle of trying to get any more out of it at this point.

What say you?