oops way way way too tall, shit...


Well-Known Member
My sativas grew too fast, didn't have the room clear and now it's going to be a real hassle to say the least.

It's just FFOF in 6 gallon buckets, I stuck monster clones 4' average maybe in a couple weeks ago and they've gone totally apeshit. I'm talking 7' tall still in veg with thin sativa stalks that can't even hold themselves up now, let alone what's going to happen later. Haven't even begun 12/12 yet and can't for at least another week when the final room is clear.

What would you do, hang each branch from chicken wire with ? to keep them from breaking and wrap them floor to celing and back when they end up 20' tall or what? Or maybe hang a cylinder of chicken wire and train them around that? What's good to tie the branches with that won't let them break or cut through them. Thin branches trying to hold floor to ceiling bud, that's a whole lot of weight. They're not stretched out crap plants I have LOTS of light here and short internodal spacing and they're bushy too, just thin stalks.

I seriously need to improvise some workable solution. I'm leaning toward cylinders of chicken wire, I use open vertical 1000 watters so I'm set to grow vertical anyway.


Well-Known Member
Top and supercrop all the branches that you can. You can also place some chicken wire over the plant and bend all the tops through the screen. That is what I had to do with my thai super skunk in flower. It isn't nearly as big as yours but I cut the size in half by doing this.



Well-Known Member
I've already topped them, a few times actually, and they're still going at a rate that will clearly be a problem. They're as bushy as I want them already, any more and light can't get into the center at all so for max yield I think letting them continue to get long and training them might be best.

Tell me if I'm wrong. I've never grown indoor plants to this size, 4' bushes sure, but not anything like this. Pretty much all my experience on large plants is with indica's too so I'm just not used to these.


Well-Known Member
hmm sounds like a sticky situation, supercropping might work, it will slow down growth if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I've supercropped twice already, once at 1ft and once at 2ft. That's why they're already as bushy as I want them, and I've topped them maybe 3 times.

Oh well, of all the problems I've had (mites, root rot, nute burn, gnats) in the past having them too big is I guess a silly thing to worry about.

I'll just consider myself lucky and figure it out when the shit literally hits the fan.


Well-Known Member
They are probably going to stretch like crazy in flower dude. Is there anyway that you could supercrop some more and possibly weave the tops through a screen?


Well-Known Member
Still going to stretch like mad... Ok, I have chicken wire I can hang vertically and train them into that. My lights are all vertical and I have no hoods so I have to figure out a solution that will work with vertical lighting.


Well-Known Member
dude u wanna take some square fence or something like that and make walls of it hanging in your grow room. then you need to position your plants to where you can weave them in the fence. Basicly make a wall of plant, then you have be sure to tie the bottom down cause my friend showed some one the grow room and they bumped the fence and ripped a couple plants but tying it down stopps this perminantly.

Ellis D. Williams

Active Member
Supercrop and make a grid out of string or something throughout the entire room so that every part of the plant has support. It will be hard to move around in there but it would allow you to keep most if not all of the plant intact throughout flowering


Well-Known Member
I think you have the rite idea on the cylinder of chicken wire dope shit yeild and takes care of the problem. As for tying them to it use hemp twine and make an adjustable noose type deal (I know sounds morbid), I do that for my LST and never have any problems. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the ideas guys. I've managed to cure the fast growth by creating a health problem for them. I'm pissed, my biggest two girls are showing conflicting symptoms of various things like necrotic leaf spots and some fading in green as well as the worst leaves have black tips and other burnt brown tips and others severe signs of burn.

So many different possible diagnoses I changed my sig because I'm a bit lost but oh well.

Now I'll be lucky to get them turned around in time for flowering at the size they are and probably won't get nearly what I'd hoped for.

There are just 6 big plants, I'm stuck with the legal limits in my states medical rules. That's why it's important for me to get every last bit and what led me to the chicken wire cylinder idea.

One person said that sounds like a decent idea, so since I have it and it sounds good to me too, that's what I'm going to try.
Too bad it won't turn out like it could have, but I will show all when the time comes.

I don't like doing ongoing journals I'll post the results when done. Plus no camera atm so there's really no point.
I'll call it "the chicken tubes grow" so it'll be hard to miss. Currently they share just 3 1k vertical lights but it's time to up that significantly I have more.

End result should be pretty decent but not something most would want to do since it's 9 months plus of total grow time, 6 months veg etc.
I could have done SOG and just completely broke the law on plant numbers and grown way more in that time with all the lights I have but oh well, better safe than sorry.