Oops! I eff'ed up! Will this cause problems?


Well-Known Member
So about 3 weeks ago i kicked my room into bloom phase (12/12), going off at 3AM and back on at 3PM.. I have 4 lights running, but one of my ballasts had a bad capacitor so i had to get it serviced, so during this time i had one of my lights not running (no big deal)... But a few days ago i got the ballast back, and was using the timer for something else, so for the last few days ive just been plugging it in and unplugging it manually until i made it to the store to buy another timer.. No big deal because im always working in the room until the lights go off anyway, so i'd just unplug it when it was time to go off..

Well heres the problem -- yesterday was thanksgiving, and we had family over for dinner... and after dinner, i totally passed out, and the next thing i knew i woke up at like 9AM and realized i hadnt turned the light off at 3AM like i was supposed to!! So one of my lights was running an extra 6 hours after it was supposed to be off, totalling 18 hours!! In other words, when all the other lights turned off at 3AM, this one light didnt get turned off until 9AM!! AHHH!! :-(

After having herm problems in the past, this scares the crap out of me, as i currently have a perfect grow going, and dont want this mistake to screw things up...

How do you guys think it will affect things? Will they go herm? Will it stunt them? Im going crazy... Also, its only 1PM currently, so the lights havent come back on yet - so should i just let them come on at normal time like usual, or do you guys think it might be a good idea to leave them off for 24 hours straight or something to make sure they stay in bloom phase?

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated, and +rep! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
HI Iim no expert but on my first grow i had a similar problem and the advice i was given was to keep to your normal schedule, that said it is obviously not something to keep doing, as you know, i thought of the 24 hr bit then even re scheduling my 12/12 but was told that that can cause more stress, the fact is you switched 3 week ago means as far as i know that the first week or so is not true 12/12 so youve probly been in 12/12 1-2 weeks, id imagine thats better then it happening later, i only ended up with 1 hermie out of 9 and that was more heat issues, i know its a worry but just chill and stay as you were, just dont do it again!!


I had the same problem.. but i was only 3 hours off..

No problems.. but getting a new timer really saved me alot of stress.

The plants aren't done so I can't tell you it won't affect the yield or something but.. they seem fine now :)


Well-Known Member
I sure hope not.. i cant afford to have problems with this crop..
My last 2 crops have been practically worthless -first because of spidermites, and then because of other issues (heat paired with co2 deff.) but this current grow has been given the allstar treatment -- new aircooled reflectors, new ventilation and circulation, the addition of a pure CO2 tank, and the best additives money can buy. So im really hoping for a killer crop, and having them herm is NOT what i had in mind... So i really hope they didnt get affected very much by my mistake...

Anyone else have any input?
2-3 weeks into bloom, accidently left one of my lights on for 6 hours into the dark period before realizing and turning it off... Any other input would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry, extend your dark period this one time to give them 12 hrs of dark and then resume your normal times after that. youll be fine.

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
Hey, I was in the same situation on my last grow, I had just added a new light and it was not on a timer yet. I completely forgot to unplug it until about 4-5 hours after lights out. This was around week 4-5 of flowering, I continued with my normal schedule and everything turned out fine!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, sooo guess what? more trouble...
My "partner" noticed the cord/timer was unplugged, and plugged it into the wall the day after i posted this thread, not knowing that the timer wasn't set correctly yet... So after what had already happened, the light was on AGAIN for the ENTIRE dark period a day or two later... Ugh... So i unplugged it, slapped him in the face, and have been back on 12/12 for the last 3 days or whatever..

So with that said, NOW what do you guys think will happen? Do you think they will be affected badly? Stunt im sure? Possibly/probably Herm-? They still look the same, but im sure i wouldnt see any changes yet anyway... I just hope after these 2 episodes of photoperiod stress, they dont decide to go herm on me, get all seedy, or diminish harvest much..

What do you guys think about this?
INPUT GREATLY APPRECIATED! IM FREAKIN OUT! (Bouts of depression, panic/anxiety, and inhibition towards my garden) - perhaps im the one suffering? haha jk..
But really, what do you guys think about this?

PS. Do you think the fact that i have a CO2 enriched environment and good additives could possibly counteract/lessen the stress/effects of this?


Well-Known Member
xanax. its a pot plant I wouldn't lose much sleep over it. Pot plants seem to be pretty fucking rugged and the trivial little shit you just threw at it won't affect much as long as you quit doing stupid shit like that or letting someone else do stupid shit like that.


Well-Known Member
I have this one "good additive" that boasts increased trichome production , Do you know how it works? it stresses the plant.


Well-Known Member
i would order dutchmasters reverse and penetrator. They will kill any male flowers and stop it from making more in the case it does go hermie. just watch for bananas till it arrives, if none show then your fine and have that spray for the future if you need it, if they start making bananas carefully remove them, making sure not to get any pollen on the plant until the reverse gets there.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm yea i was thinking about something like the DM Reverse, but wasnt sure if it was going to help - i though it was more for when youre trying to revert from bloom back to veg, etc... I didnt know it could be used/should be used/would help with my situation.... Do any of you other guys know anything about this? Would Dutchmaster Reverse be good for my situation? (Also how does it work?)

As far as Penetrator goes, i thought it was a product that was to be used alongside LiquidLight, etc. etc.? How would that help my situation?

Also, are there any OTHER suggestions as far as a good product to use to help with my situation? Thanks to all of you for the help and input.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read about Reverse is it's one of those sooner the better type products. If you're gonna use it, go for it. The longer you ponder the less effective it'll be

Penetrator/Saturator are just delivery products. It's a sticky/wetting agent. You can spray Reverse or Liquid Light alone onto the leaves but it's more effective when used with Penetrator/Saturator. (which are the same thing, one replaced the other, but they're both delivery agents)


Well-Known Member
I think only bad genetics would compromise you off just one night of stress just go back to the normal light schedule and forget about it and don't stress


Well-Known Member
xanax. its a pot plant I wouldn't lose much sleep over it. Pot plants seem to be pretty fucking rugged and the trivial little shit you just threw at it won't affect much as long as you quit doing stupid shit like that or letting someone else do stupid shit like that.
I really couldn't have said it better


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, i think everything should be ok -
They still look great, and there has been noticable pistil growth since the incident, so hopefully thats a good sign.

However - how long would it take for male flowers to form, or for any kind of noticable sign that it DID affect the plant?
Also - is leaving the light on for an extra 30 minutes every once in a while to finish what im doing a bad idea? like would an extra 30 minutes once or twice a week affect their photoperiod?