I took clones last night. 8 of the chemdawg, and 1 ea of the shark shock and mk ultra. The shark shock in flower is pretty much dead. I'd probably have thrown it away by now if it wasn't in the back corner of the room. I still have a clone of it though, bug free and want to give it a fair shot.
After my last 2 cloning stints my confidence is completely shot. It's funny, cloning used to be so easy to me that I didn't even really think about it! My last 2 rounds of clones were bad, and last time I had a 40% success rate. Not awesome!
I pulled out all the stops this round. Bought some rapid rooters instead of using the happy frog. Bought some clonex instead of using the powder I had. Ph'd my water to 5.8 instead of using tap water with no a measurement. Hell I even bought a new razor and wore gloves this time! I also had a fan that was running in the area and although I have a dome it was still drying It out fairly quick, so fans off. I could tell just after 12 hours that they are looking much better than my previous attempts.
I think the bottom line of it all is just the ph really. I hadn't checked my tap lately and it was up at 8.5 or more. Because my moms are small and didn't have a shit ton of clones to give is really need these to root well in order for next round to go well. Harvest is in about 4 weeks so that gives me 2 weeks to root, and 2 weeks to start veg before they transplant into the room. We'll see how it goes.