Ontario sales online! Prerolled joint for $25!! good deals! lol

All these crazy low prices do nothing to entice me. I have no way of knowing what was used in the growing. At least with my own and a grower I know, I can be comforted that there are no unsavory additives. Find a grower you can trust peeps or you will be stuck with product that could have anything added to it.
Has anyone taken the time to read the health warnings on the packaging? You can see it in the pictures on the OCS website. LITERAL propaganda of reefer madness proportions.

One says "4000 Canadians were injured and 75 died after cannabis use (in 2012.)"

Another says that "Higher THC can lower the age of onset schizophrenia."

Or how about "Early and regular use increases risk of psychosis and schizophrenia"

Weird how none of the MEDICAL cannabis provided by LPs have this printed hysteria. Unless it does, I never have or ever will have the need or want to buy their schwag.
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All these crazy low prices do nothing to entice me. I have no way of knowing what was used in the growing. At least with my own and a grower I know, I can be comforted that there are no unsavory additives. Find a grower you can trust peeps or you will be stuck with product that could have anything added to it.

Your body took in more toxins just by breathing while you wrote that message than you would from what could be sprayed on the weed. Hell probably shirt leeching into your skin from the detergent you used to wash your clothes not including any preservatives, and copious amounts of sugar and salt you ingested from any canned/bottled/manufactured food.
Your body took in more toxins just by breathing while you wrote that message than you would from what could be sprayed on the weed. Hell probably shirt leeching into your skin from the detergent you used to wash your clothes not including any preservatives, and copious amounts of sugar and salt you ingested from any canned/bottled/manufactured food.

LOL,I do not subscribe to the in for a penny in for a pound ideology. Sure I take in some toxins, mostly outside I am sure, but that does not mean I want more. I think you made a few too many assumptions about me and how I live.

Less is more sometimes.