Ontario Outdoor....


Active Member
hey guys so i started these seeds about 2 weeks ago they seem to be growing very slowly and stretching alot, they have been outside under the sun about 18 hours of light each day so i dont see why they would be streching....

it could be that they are 80% sativa blend and im just used to indica growing....

The strain is summertime buddah...toronto420 seedbank.

Any input is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
that is strange.. perhaps that is why you have gotten no responses.. im also from ontario and it could just be the sativa in it.. im to lazy to check the flowering times .. but I dont think mostly sativa is a good idea in ontairo considering its long flowering time.


Well-Known Member
the only problem i see is the overcast skys making the plant stretch, it has been overcast quit a bit lately where i am at in ontario and that could just be the case.. but it looks like good sunny weather for awhile now :)


those will be fine...when you transplant them just bury them up to there necks


Active Member
Thanks alot guys its just that all the other plants i have seen grew so much faster then these little suckers....and had much more foliage after 2 weeks but yeah when i transplant them i will do it up to just below the first set of leafs


Active Member
They do look like they are stretching for light. In this case I would prop them up with little sticks until the root ball is sufficient to transplant up to their necks.


Active Member
how much longer should i wait to transplant them..... because im taking them from my house to a new location that will require me carrying them while tracking through terrain that isnt very friendly....

basically how long can they stay in those tiny seedling pots before i start stunting growth !

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
I had the same problem, dont over water. I heard the roots only grow when there isnt a high level of water in the dirt. I have some ones bout a week old ill show you some pictures if you would like.


Active Member
Its easier to transplant when there is an establised root ball so when you pull the seedling out of the cell its not so hard on the roots. But you can transplant any time, just be gentle and have your new pot ready.


Active Member
Im still very skeptical about putting them out this small......so ill wait 1 week longer...

i transplanted them today into semi bigger containers went out and planted six of em in one of my grow locations...sorry didnt have time to bring camera/ pics mabie next time.

i also have 11 clones that are now about 3-4days old that hopefully will root soon:) two of them have leaves that are curling upwards check out the pics and have any idea what thats from>??

Comments welcome thanks alot guys..


Here the Clones note the two with curling Leaves



Well-Known Member
I know your trepidations, but I implore you to do it.. Partly because natural selection needs to occur granted, but primarily because these things are tough as shit if you see them through, and the more time they have to acclimate to new environment the better.. I have no qualms with protecting them with screens/fences etc, I just know how shockingly well nature grows seeds..


Active Member
alright i plan on getthing them out this weekend then..3 days .... im very exited!!!! ill be sure to take some pics of my grow place as im very proud of it ...very sneaky :)


Well-Known Member
im also growing summertime buddha its this crapy weather this year to much water and not enough sun I dont know about your grow site plan but I put my in a field to get max sun cause my old spot bush wacking just wont cut it this year


Active Member
mine is in a valley so it get direct sun for most of the day...some of my other spots are filtered light from trees's above but owell i should do decent with 11 fem and 6 summertime buddag that havent been sexed!


Active Member
i think thats what i might be ...i sprayed them with water this morning.....theres not very humid inside the dome... and the light is at least 6 " from them! although it does get pretty hot as they are inside an old freezer....with the lid mostly closed...leave it 1" open mabie its getting to hot inside.....i go and open it up completely twice for 3 times a day


Active Member
Thanks alot for the advice guys they are doing soo much better since i transplanted and barried them up to there first set of leafs.....
heres some updated pics.
