only three fingers per leaf


Well-Known Member
im sorry kid but all you need to do is take out a 15 minute chunk, and research this plant. most if not all plants start out with 3 fingered leafs. notice how it started with just little onle fingered, then 3, then 5, then 7, then 9, then 11. last but not least, most if not alll plants smell skunky. i know some quiblers out there are gonna tell me that some smells fruity, or earthy, or whatever. but come one people. look sarge no one is gonna be able to come out and tell you, "ya kid, 3 leaves, and a skunky smell, your definately growing bubbleberry". so just grow her out and see what happens. good luck


Active Member
thanks will do been smoker for 25 years never seen plant like this planted it pot out side around thanksgiving sprouted but did not grow all winter. when spring sprung started growing.kinda freaked me out accidental plant seed thrown in when rolling jiont on patio. if I remeber that weed was some killer hydro I traded for some go.


as wigmo said, all plants start with three bladed leaves, its the natural progression but your plant is fairly large to not have any fives or sevens yet. how old is it?


Well-Known Member
eh just for the sake of bringing this up, was just googled thread, but this definately a marijuana plant, i dont think there is much special about the genetics as far as that goes. but i think there is a deficiecy of some kind....
i have 3 plants with just 3 fingerd fan leaves too infact some are just one finquered but its not because that is how they start.shyt mine is 4 months old n 4 ft tall and started budding 2 weeks ago i would like to no why been doing some research but not qiut shore i think it is a genetic fuck up and its been going and going threough cloning this plant is full of nodes and tones of shoots i garantee this thing is going to yield more than average


Active Member
Lol. I'm gonna bump this thread up a year. I found it just like every other RIU thread. Lookin online. The reason I found it was that I was lookin up what someone called a Three Leaf Afghan. Wonderin if that's what it was.


Well-Known Member
The (un named) strain that I'm running only has 3 bladed leaves, but zero smell until the chop. Seeds were gifted and popped in July 2009. Host plants and cuts since then.

Looks very similar to the pic, but there is no odor. If not pure, at least 90% Indica.
