only the first set of leaves curling up (not the little round suckers)

my pants are 2 weeks old today form the day the poped out of the soil and when i checked them in the am today on all but 1 the set of leaves right above the the little round sucker leaves had just the edegs curling up and its just on that set no other leaves are doing it. i ben doing alot of reding and everything i found is pointing to the light being to close or hight heat HELP ME PLEASE


Active Member
That looks like moisture stress, your humidity probably was too low with lights on.

They curl like that trying to conserve moisture.


Active Member
what kind of lights are you running? how close are they to the plants. It looks like heat or light stress.

what kind of soil are you in? what are you feeding it?
the leaves are not dry at all to the toutch but they look kinda like there dry the temp is about 72-75 in the room i have and had a fan on 24/7 since day one blowing between the light and plants i dont have a humidity meter but going to get one in about an hour the ph in the water is about 6.8-7.0 the soil is compost i got from my buddys mom and i used it my past 2 grows with out any probs i used fox far nutes once about a week ago i dont know waht to do im freaking out please help me the plants are purple kush and i dont want to lose them help me out!!!!!
ON a quick sidenote, your grow area seems to be near carpet which can easily attract spidermites. those things will just eat everything up. i have a few leave curlig up too hopefully a lil more humidity will help
yeah i checked my humidity and it was 27!!! wayyyyy low so i went out and got a humidifier and within the first ten min the humidity went up to 50 so its looking good with the humidity i hope that was my prob with the leaves curling up let me know what you think

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
Definitely heat stress bro. I fried a auto seedling a few weeks back when I took the propagator off.. It only took my seedling about 20mins to completey curl up. The first set off leaves that got burnt I just cut them off and she is right back on schedule.. Took a day or 2 to recover but you'll be fine.. For seedlings your lamp should be 2-3 ft from tops if using HID's . Good luck!


Active Member
humidity should be in the range of 50-60% for veg. and 40-50% for flowering.

EDIT : i did some reading and jorge cervantes recommeds 80-95% clones, 60-70% veg, 40-60% flower. page 323 in the growers bible if you want to doublke check me.


Well-Known Member
my pants are 2 weeks old today form the day the poped out of the soil and when i checked them in the am today on all but 1 the set of leaves right above the the little round sucker leaves had just the edegs curling up and its just on that set no other leaves are doing it. i ben doing alot of reding and everything i found is pointing to the light being to close or hight heat HELP ME PLEASE
Mine do that now... its because I do 24h light (i believe in 24h light you wont change my mind I did my research already), the plant will do that to protect itself from the 24h light. Its normal, it doesn't cause me any problems, i've had zero hermies from this, and overall i'm gonna keep doing it. If you do not use 24h light then I dunno.
im useing a 150watt hps on 24hr it was about 5"-6" above the plants with a fan didnt know the temp or humidity then i moved to about 12" above my plant with a fan my temp was about 85-87 and my humidity was about 25-27 and now i moved it about 18"-20" above the plants and got a humidifier and now the temp is about 81-82 and the humidity is about 52-55 unless i oped the door the humidity drops to about 42-45 and the temps stays about the same and this is right at the plants under the light im hopeing this fixes my prob but i dont know what the temp and humidity should be at let me know????? check out the pics