only ONE plant growing!

after a few failed attempts at hydroponics/LP aero I decided to switch over to soil. I am using a mix of Fox farms Ocean Forest, Light Warrior, and planting mix. I heard this should have most of the nutrients i will need from seedling to flower.

I started with 4 clones that i got at a dispensary. They were not in the best quality but its what i ended up with, 2 indicas 2 sativas. I planted them and have set up an auto water system in my LED tent. every day and half days they get a slow water trickle for 1 hour. I am only adding superthrive to the water. When they started growing i had a super quick issue with spider mites (left over from my roommates equipment.) I got lady bugs and let them loosein there and now there is no more sign of mites.

1 of the plants i have is doing amazing. it is growing quickly and is very sturdy. 2 of the plants are doing decent, not too bad but not amazing either. and the 4th plant has barley grown since i got it! i see small new growth leaves on the top but it never seems to get anywhere.

I have noticed slight discoloration on the leaves. they have small white speckles or dry patchs. Any idea what it is and what i could do to fix it?

Pictures coming in 5 minutes.
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Well-Known Member
They look over watered and the damage is from the mites you had/have.

They tore you up pretty good. I would honestly ditch the auto watering system.

Pick up the pot wet. Feel the weight. When it's light(dry) hand water. Add some microbes to your watering and beneficials.

should be a day or two in between AT LEAST. The microbes will help your plant uptake more nutrients and many other great things.

my guess is you still have mites.

You really need to get those taken care of.

It sucks when things go wrong. Just gain the experience and fix it.
well i dont see mites anymore, nor any little webs under the plants. How would you suggest getting rid of them. I just had 1500 lady bugs going wild in there not too long ago.

I will get rid of the auto water, it has actually flooded once while i was away for a few days so thats another downfall. Its also very hot and dry here is southern cali. So i put a humidifier in the room. could it be too hot and humid for them?

I havnt been feeding them anything. just the nutrients that are in the 3 soils i blended together and just adding a bit of superthrive to the water. 1/4 teaspoon for like 5 gallons. not much.

Is there a reason you think that one plant is doing so much better than the rest?


Well-Known Member
It could just have handled the mite storm better.

What are your temps canopy level?

If you got rid of the mites that's great. Your seeing the damage left over from them(white marks).

Want mites gone. Avid. You can get 1oz bottles on eBay. 20$ will make 30 gallons and end mites for good with two applications.

Plants seem to love it. is a serious poison and not to be taken lightly. Lots of ppl don't agree with it. I use it -but only up to two weeks into flower. 1ml a gallon and my plants love it. No residue and is easier then most organic sprays I have tried.

Shit works

Two applications. No more mites. You must tear your grow apart and clean/bleach really well.

The reason I recommend microbes is the plants look over watered and under fed. The microbes help the break down and deliver nutrients to your plant. When growing organically (which it looks like you are) they are extremely crucial and pivotal to your plants health.

The will allow more food to be absorbed and used by the plant

What kind of water do you use?


Well-Known Member
If all you did was release lady bugs.. I put my biggest cola on the still being around. If not. I would def treat it as such.

i don't do bugs. They have ruined so much for me in the past I shutter when recollect lol..

so when I see them. I don't play. Handle business. Do it right. And move on.
If all you did was release lady bugs.. I put my biggest cola on the still being around. If not. I would def treat it as such.

i don't do bugs. They have ruined so much for me in the past I shutter when recollect lol..

so when I see them. I don't play. Handle business. Do it right. And move on.
After looking at them a bit closer i do see they have mites again. This is such a nightmare, i had to scrap my old plants because of mites too. I already took the whole thing apart and wiped it all down and they are already back. I will try avid. will i have to flush the plants at the end? and i am just using purified (but not R/O) water. The humidity is at 50% and the heat it at 80. i think its probably too hot but in the current conditions in LA theres not much to do. its damn hot out here.
damn that stuff is expensive. Have you tried the habenero pepper spray? would that work? hopfully somthing that would be much cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Go on ebay. The sell an oz for 20$ to your door.

an oz makes 28 gallons. 1 ml per gallon. Wear a respirator and gloves when applying.

i assure you this will end your problem.

Two applications 5 days a apart. Mix up your spray. Get a misting bottle.

Spray on and under pthe pots. The top of the soil. Up the stem. And on and under every leaf. Cover them really good.

dont do this under the lights.. Afterwords make sure to leave them out from under the lights till completely dry.

clean your room again.. Make bleach water and go crazy wiping everything down.

5 days later repeat with avid.

leaves no residue and is non phototoxic. Stays in cells for 28 day.. So kills on contact and residual killer that is NON systemic.

if you go to homedepot raid makes bed bug and flea bombers. Pyrethium is the main ingredient. 10 bucks for three. You can set one off in the grow area to knock em back until your spray comes.

also - get your temps in the 60's if you can till you get the avid. Slows them down a lot!!

they love dry hot areas- so don't make it nice for em!

your mite problem will be over. 20$ avid is as cheap as it gets and as good as gets.
Go on ebay. The sell an oz for 20$ to your door.

an oz makes 28 gallons. 1 ml per gallon. Wear a respirator and gloves when applying.

i assure you this will end your problem.

Two applications 5 days a apart. Mix up your spray. Get a misting bottle.

Spray on and under pthe pots. The top of the soil. Up the stem. And on and under every leaf. Cover them really good.

dont do this under the lights.. Afterwords make sure to leave them out from under the lights till completely dry.

clean your room again.. Make bleach water and go crazy wiping everything down.

5 days later repeat with avid.

leaves no residue and is non phototoxic. Stays in cells for 28 day.. So kills on contact and residual killer that is NON systemic.

if you go to homedepot raid makes bed bug and flea bombers. Pyrethium is the main ingredient. 10 bucks for three. You can set one off in the grow area to knock em back until your spray comes.

also - get your temps in the 60's if you can till you get the avid. Slows them down a lot!!

they love dry hot areas- so don't make it nice for em!

your mite problem will be over. 20$ avid is as cheap as it gets and as good as gets.
thanks i just ordered some now. im going to try spraying a mix of garlic and habenero pepper to kill off the mites in the meantime. if it works well i will just return the chemical stuff later but at least i have it for backup now. and i don't really have a way to cool the tent down but do you think it would help to bring the humidity up?

I appreciate all your help by the way. you say to clean the whole tent out, I do have a large bag of soil in the tent that is not being used for plants. do you think the mites got in there even if there is no plants for them? is the soil in anyway salvageable or will it just keep bringing my mites back.


Well-Known Member
I would use the avid. Honestly. Your call. Kill em with avid. Or knock em back with the other. You will have to keep spraying you other mix every three days for about two weeks.

yes. Clean everything. Ballasts/reflector cords. With bleach water. If the floor is wood use bleach water. If not vacuum really good and use some kind of cleaner.

the soil.. They say mites army attracted to just plain soil. You would think they wouldn't look at it.

with that said. The Borg is to not be taken lightly or they will come back. ESP if the are super mites.

i would ditch it

Humidity would help. But those temps are gonna make it a fuck field for them

hope I helped a little. Rest is up to you.