Only getting 3 hours of direct sunlight..


Well-Known Member
She’s on my balcony getting 3 hours of direct Morning sunlight daily from 7am to 10am, sometime less if it’s a cloudy/rainy morning. So I depend on the moon and its phases to help her grow and stay healthy, doing certain things at certain phases of the Moon. Transplanting on the New Moon is my favorite because I know a growth spurt will be happening soon, as the moon gets more Full. Transplanted this one on the New Moon from a 5 gallon filled with Roots Original to a 15 gallon filled with Roots Lush, she looks like she’s loving it. One more week until Full Moon, excited to see the growth spurt in full effect! Do you guys use the moon to your advantage?? If you do, what are some ways you use the Moon??

New Moon Transplant

First Quarter Moon
Give it time, it will adapt but 3 is better that 12 now, she needs to harden off. I put my outdoor in shade first week then in sun. Time will tell, still uv in shade. So nm^s are getting to it. Personally if l could have 3 hours it would be 11 to 2. But it will grow.
Give it time, it will adapt but 3 is better that 12 now, she needs to harden off. I put my outdoor in shade first week then in sun. Time will tell, still uv in shade. So nm^s are getting to it. Personally if l could have 3 hours it would be 11 to 2. But it will grow.
Hardening off? What’s that? I started it from seed on my balcony, at first it was only getting 2 hours of direct sun from 7am to 9am. So now its enjoying 1 extra hour of direct sunlight. lol
Pro tip:. It's the sun that makes plants grow
Now muskie fishing.... That's a moon phase thing for sure.
But it seems like the Moon has an affect on the plant too with its gravitational pull as it gets Full, pulling water and nutrients from the soil to the top of the plant. or atleast that’s what im thinking. I know the Moon affects the ocean, the biggest high tides are on the Full Moon. From my experience, because it only gets 3 hours or less of direct sunlight, when i transplant on the Full Moon or some time after the Full Moon the growth seems slower than when I transplant on the New Moon. Idk. lol
But it seems like the Moon has an affect on the plant too with its gravitational pull as it gets Full, pulling water and nutrients from the soil to the top of the plant. or atleast that’s what im thinking. I know the Moon affects the ocean, the biggest high tides are on the Full Moon. From my experience, because it only gets 3 hours or less of direct sunlight, when i transplant on the Full Moon or some time after the Full Moon the growth seems slower than when I transplant on the New Moon. Idk. lol
The moon affects plants, animals and us. Planting moon yup!
How is the morning sun the important hours?
Its important to dry the dew off your plants. Ever notice if you go outside barefoot first thing in the am, the lawn is soaked? So is all the foliage. More important late season and by then it may change on you
My bad thought was indoors first. You will get more sun in the summer
Im hoping so, my balcony is facing north and by 10am the sun goes over my building as of now. So hopefully by the peak of summer the sun will stay on my side of the building till 11am before it goes directly over my building. I also give it a 1/4 turn so that the sun can hit the other sides of the plant each morning.
The moon affects everything. It's the Earth's "satellite".

One time when I was in the military, i was doing a field exercise in the southern California desert, and there was NO lunar light, to the point where even my night vision gear wasn't working. It was fucking SPOOKY. lol sorry totally unrelated :lol:
The moon affects plants, animals and us. Planting moon yup!
Good to know im doing something right. I just thought i was getting lucky this whole time. lol
Its important to dry the dew off your plants. Ever notice if you go outside barefoot first thing in the am, the lawn is soaked? So is all the foliage. More important late season and by then it may change on you
Good to know! So foliar feeding is best in the morning too so that the sun can dry off the leaves? I just soaked the leaves until she looked droopy with Seaweed Extract (Roots Extreme Serene) this morning before the sun came up. Now that the sun is hitting her, the leaves are dry and she’s really perked up.
Good to know! So foliar feeding is best in the morning too so that the sun can dry off the leaves? I just soaked the leaves until she looked droopy with Seaweed Extract (Roots Extreme Serene) this morning before the sun came up. Now that the sun is hitting her, the leaves are dry and she’s really perked up.
Only folliar after sundown, youll burn them up in sun. Or before sunup be careful as bug sprays have oil in them to kill bugs. Will also burn if oil concentrates hard enough, lol. Gotta shake it up constantly, see white stop spraying.