She’s on my balcony getting 3 hours of direct Morning sunlight daily from 7am to 10am, sometime less if it’s a cloudy/rainy morning. So I depend on the moon and its phases to help her grow and stay healthy, doing certain things at certain phases of the Moon. Transplanting on the New Moon is my favorite because I know a growth spurt will be happening soon, as the moon gets more Full. Transplanted this one on the New Moon from a 5 gallon filled with Roots Original to a 15 gallon filled with Roots Lush, she looks like she’s loving it. One more week until Full Moon, excited to see the growth spurt in full effect! Do you guys use the moon to your advantage?? If you do, what are some ways you use the Moon??
New Moon Transplant

First Quarter Moon

New Moon Transplant

First Quarter Moon