Only basic nutrients?


New Member
38.jpg50.jpg96.jpg98.jpg99.jpgHi all, not sure if i'm at the right place but I have an issue. First hydroponic setup, consist of a bucket with a fountain pump pumping nutes a the top and draining back in the reservoir through the hydrotons.. Very basic setup... Now, my girl. I vegged her for a whomping 2 months...I had nowhere to flip to 12/12 so she had lots aof time to grow... Now she's been on 12/12 for 2 weeks. 1st week was ok, 2nd week however, she started to have brown spots all over her veaves, starting with the 2 biggest fans on top, and slowly but surely creeping its way down the smaller leaves. I use the GH recipe, which consist of FloraGro, FloraMicro and FloraBloom., and that's it... I change and clean the reservoir every 2 weeks, top up as needed in between... Roots are pearl white in the bottom, brownish colored near the stalk, which im pretty sure is normal from sipping the nutes...No algea when I rub the roots, not slimy either....Temps is a constant 70 lowest and 78 at the highest with a constant RH of 40-50% day and nights... She has 4x 23w 2700k cfl's on top of her...which is not much, but she is a loner so, should be enough for now.. Now top leaves are starting to curl. :( Sorry for the long thread,.. Please help her... I included a picture of her new home, how she looked a few days ago, and the obvious culprit...the brown spots.. :( Awesome forum by the way ;)



New Member
Ok, thanks for that neat chart! So assuming she has a K deficiency, which she probably has, since the white pistils appeared prematurely after only 7 days of switching the lights, what can I give her to correct the problem?
What's your pH. Your deficiency is probably caused by lockout of such nutrient. Not because your not supplementing it.

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Location of the symptoms should help you to determine the problem as well and seeing that N, P and K are all quite mobile nutrients within the plant, deficiency symptoms would be expected on the lowest growth first (not what you described).

What is the pH of the solution you are giving it? That's kind of an important detail for hydro. I see some orange spots that might be indicative of a calcium inadequacy (Ca isn't on that chart).


New Member
PH is around 5.2 to 5.5 most of the time.....The first time I gave her the full strength (when I put her on 12/12), the reservoir was really redish looking, almost like fruit punch! the only 2 days later, the water was almost clear looking?! Is she that demanding for potassium? In 1 gallon of water, I put 1 tsp of floragrow, 2 tsp of floramicro and 3 tsp of florabloom... I gave her an extra 1/2 tsp of bloom again yesterday hoping it would improve her condition... I wouldn't want to burn her either... any taught?
You have a potassium and plus nutrient lockouts because of such acid level.

I run low pH like that on my tomatoes hydro but get potassium lockout and slight burns but phosphorus uptake is increased which is good only for flowering periods.

Higher pH for veg lower for flower.

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