Only 1 legal grow state, how it works here


Well-Known Member
In Alaska, marijuana in the home (under 4 oz and 25 growing plants) is protected under the states modifications to the 4th Amendment, namely the explicit guarantee of privacy. We are not allowed to transport legally and can not legally consume in public. The possession/growing of marijuana is only legal in one's home.

Why don't more states that want to grow and possess legally in their home without concern for state or local authorities push the state to guarantee privacy the way that Alaska does? This would be a backdoor push that would open the front door.

It's far easier to convince non-consumers to support personal property rights than push for an outright legalization IMHO.

What do you guys think?

Here's a reference:


Well-Known Member
I dunno after living in alaska and working there for a summer i can see why weed is legal. Its 12 am you just got home from your shift that started at 4am AND it's still light outside! How the fuck are you suppossed to get any sleep w/o legal weed. That and they have a huge meth problem.


Well-Known Member to assume that you were a cannery worker?

I haven't seen any meth in Alaska and I've lived here a lot longer than a summer.

Thanks for posting ignorant garbage in a purposeful thread.


Well-Known Member
I actually worked on the docks unloading various fishies. I guess the docks in every state are filled with tweekers... I just happened to work on the docks in your state... Didnt mean to insult, just a crappy add in joke a guess.
I personally think alaska is the second most beautiful place in the world (first is hope canada for me)
And i would probably live there again if given the opportunity.


AZ allows legal grow to registered medical marijuana patients.
I can have 6 Adult plants or 12 immature ones, and 2-1/2 ounces every 14 days.
Not Bad....


Member're fortunate the DEA hasn't, yet, gotten the itch to cancel that right.To the idea of "Home Sovereignty", it is an old idea that would (hypothetically) work amazingly well, except for those overzealous law-enforcement types taking it upon themselves to label you a dealer!.
Otherwise, I can't wait.Great idea Alaska!~


Sorry, I'm a bit testy as well. MY state isn't even considering medical.Not that it slows me down, even a little. Wrong thinking stone-age moralizing combined with the religious right and Tea Party coupled with the truckload of money spent by big pharma to keep Cannabis illegal at ANY cost....phew.that list is long.

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