Well-Known Member
Anyone play poker online? If so whats ya game/stakes?
I play mainly on pokerstars. Usually NL Holdem tournaments & sit n go's.

I play mainly on pokerstars. Usually NL Holdem tournaments & sit n go's.

not too too much NL for me... here nad there or at a home game... im not as creative as i should be, i like to stick to statured plays... i dont like risisking my whole stack and sumtimes its hard to get ur $ in with a bomb hand so it rarley plays out for me... with NL i play really tite as well, almost scared and i find im watching the game more then gettin involved... thats ok when ur live cuz u can pick up tells and such but boring when online... i personaly like the limit game better... but thats jus my preference... im really not down with tourneys cuz its too ez to lose ur lead by calling ppl on the verg of goin out, makin a move with a medderoker hand cuz they dont have a choice... plus i like to switch my game up.. i feel u have to give action to get action... sumtimes u gotta throw that lil bet out so ppl think ur a retard inoreder to fuk em over later in the game.. cant do that in a tourny... u make a mistake and ur doomed... with a cash game its less focus and waiting and u can make mistakes and regain urself unlike tourneys... im a loose but tite player.. in other words ill play a wide veriaty of hands but wont stick around if its no good for me, and if it is, i get the $ in... and u gotta be careful doin that in nolimit... im not gonna call bets when i know im beat... limit there is more action, not so much "crazy" all in action or what not but theres betting through out the whole hand.. its jus my preference.. i make more $ in it so y change rite??? i have multiple times thrown 50$ or so on my acc and brang it up to 600+ in a cpl days... with 50$ i rarely go broke b4 playin atleast 30hrs+ online and we all know u can get 60hnds plus in an hr online...thats like $1 an hr... nvr get entertainment like that anywhere...ah man sorry u put all that work in for nothing, i just opened up full tilt and i was watching some limit poker, i dont agree wit ur comment that NL players dont know how to play the turn and river and that many of it is all in on the flop, that is true in micro stakes and cheap tourneys, and late stages of tourneys but not in cash games at a gud standard, it must b kinda annoying when u have a really big hand and u cant get much money in pot ? do u play much NL ? what u think of it