• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Online Poker


Well-Known Member
Anyone play poker online? If so whats ya game/stakes?

I play mainly on pokerstars. Usually NL Holdem tournaments & sit n go's.



Well-Known Member
i starteda thread same as this yesterday and no 1 replyed...

i play(ed) like 1/2$, 2/4$, on ipoker mostly cash games, came like 4th in a tourney for 3.5k lately, but i get really bad tilt and i went broke last week :( lost a 2k pot badbeat, when i went up to 5/10$ for fun and went on tilt and threw away my whole bank roll in 5 mins.. 6.5k gone...

such a pain, wish i could play now


Well-Known Member
wow man thats sounds awful! nothing worse than getting bad beat (funny how it always seems to happen on higher stakes tables)

u dont play with what u cant afford tho do ya?

i do ok, i love playing 3-5 table small tournys. 80% of the time ill get to the final table.

played a few BIG tourneys, most proud moment was 13th out of 5,000. Was 4 places off a huge payout.

Play cash games, quite easy to make money just being conservative and waiting for the right hand (can get boring tho)


Well-Known Member
i play of fulltilt a lot...

mostly sit and go 10 to 20 dollar tourneys...

sometimes larger ones (1000+ players)

i win more than i lose... but sometimes got on really bad streaks.. and dont always stop playing when i should tho..


Well-Known Member
ya i think bad beats happen in all stakes, juts hurts alot more when u loose a lot of money, it was'nt even that bad a beat, i had KK he had 10 7 flop of 7 J 4 i bet like 200$ into 275$ pot he put me all in i called turn Q river 10..
if i had stoped playing them i would have still had 4.2k in my bankrool ... plenty to build up again.. but no i go into a 25/50$ cash table and play every hand and play the opposit a i usually do... and gone...
ima winning player when i play properly but i tilt so bad so i dont think i can ever b a poker player full time, thats the 3rd time that happened to me..

ya i much prefer cash tables its real poker, if u get bored easy play like 3 games at a time, much more of a buzz playing for cash aswell, a lot more luck needed in tourneys but the big pay day for final table finnish is worth it,

did ye read any books?

harrington on cash games is a great book


Well-Known Member
it always blows when you lose a hand like you did.. its a long shot he hit that straight.. but what can you expect.. murphy's law right??

i like sit and go's and tourneys better than cash games online... unless you have a lot of money to spend (ie 25/50 blinds), you cant get a good game.. you end up playing with donks who get lucky and take your money...

i've never read any books.. mostly self taught.. i watch a LOT of poker on tv... which if you listean to and really pay attention its like a book in and of itself...


Well-Known Member
lol, no he won wit 2 pair 10's and 7's not a straight, so he had 6 outs to beat me which is 20% chance of beating me on turn and river...

wat blinds do u play if u play a acash game?

how can u complain aboit playing wit donks, thats the easy money not a tough game, they cant get lucky every hand, just charge thema lot to draw, also donks cant lay down top pair top kicker so $$$, how to b a winning player is not paying ppl off, every1 gets winning hands, i think reading a book would help ur game they dont go to 2 much detail in tv poker..


Well-Known Member
i play on fulltilt... 2/4 or 3/6 limit... sumtimes ill switch it up and play sum .25/.50 nolimit, but i much perfer the limit games and always cash.. i rarely play tourneys and when i do they r cheep satilites for major tourneys... i have 1 land casino close to me that only has limit so thats 1 reason i stick with it.... lotsa ppl go there to play poker and when they get there they realize its limit, not no limit like they r used to so i have an upperhand... they r both good games but limit is like the mechanic and no limit is like the artist... both equaly rite but 2 totaly diff styles.. i perfer the mechanical play... plus in nolimit the pots r useually smaller unless there r real good hands that clash.. say u get AA, chances r u raise preflop and get no callers(small pot)... plus in limit u can play more hands and futher down the streets, jus gotta know when to get out... lotsa ppl say u cant bluff in limit poker but u can, depending ur opponents, position and situation of betting and board but it is not as easy as nolimit... i find players r more conservative when calling raises online then land... i too win more then i lose but when i go on bad streaks i dont leave and come bak tomorow or so... i can sit for 10hrs+ playin which isnt always a good thing, haha..


Well-Known Member
ya i played limit once but i went into that room by accident, i was like y the f cant i bet more..

ya in limit u can always draw to ur flush or straight cause u always have the odds to do so, uv a lot more choices in NL, could u explain y u have the upper hand on NL player in a limit game?? what the different stratigy u have to play?


Well-Known Member
cuz its a game that needs to be learned.. its a diff game... lotsa ppl make $ by gettin sum in the pot preflop and then puttin in a big raise so u take it down on the flop... no limit doesnt let u get experienced with all streets cuz it rarely hits the riv unless its an all in situation(and in that case ur not playin the street cuz ur $'s already in).. it has diff starting hands, diff odds like its worth callin that bet to chase... in limit poker 1 pair is rarely a winner in fact 2 pairs or a set is either.. more players in the pot so more posible combinations and almost always played to the river... a nolimit player that doesnt play limit gets AK and hits an A on the flop or turn and will think hes got the best hand not knowing that my 45 of clubs have both been paired... they dont realized that it gets played to the riv and any hand is a winner and smaller hnds like that get played more often cuz its worth the price to chase... nolimit players r also used to 1on1 pots not so much multiways aswell... nolimit players play strong hands and dont realize that almost every hand will be played to the river so its ez to suck out small hands that nvr woulda been played in nolimit... or they wont hit there hand and instead of calling that bet to see the turn they will fold... another mistake that nolimit players do is try to bluff.. they got that AK and hit shit but continue to bet with nuthin thinkin the other will fold cuz the board is all shit like 396 and dont think any1 woulda called with a hand like Q9suited cuz in nolimit, really no1 would... and as the betting is fixed and the price goes up on the turn and river, by u check raising and betting and such lke that is quite diff from nolimit... u always want the most $ in the pot, u cant bet a pot sized bet so u gotta rely on ur tells to fig if u should bet or check raise or what not.. it can be a game of defence as well rather then offence, theres tricks to save u $ and make more $.... a great vid to watch it howard ledders limit hold em... great tricks in there.... ill see if i can find a trick on youtube that really plays out in limit.. by doin this it can save u a few bux if u dont hit or make u a few more if u do jus by a single bet...


Well-Known Member
fuk dude.. i jus tried twice to explain this to u... they were long detailed ansewrs and examples... probly jus spent bout 45-an hr on it but when i pushed "submit post" it told me to log in agn, twice.. im fukkin pissed.. all that time and effort for nuffin... anyways... its jus a diff game due to multiway pots, betting patterns and the fact that u see almost every hand to the riv... many nolimit players rarely see the turn or the riv let alone play them.. i really wish that it woulda posted either 1 of my responses for they were well detailed, lots of examples and a trick to see free cards in limit so u can make extra $ or save $ by a single bet... if i feel the energy to do it agn i will but i doubt it.. sry..


Well-Known Member
oh it did post 1.. the other 1 had a lil trick i was lookin for on youtube but its not on there.. i will come bak and explain 1 lil trick that works wonders in the limit world.. but not rite now.. ez


Well-Known Member
ah man sorry u put all that work in for nothing, i just opened up full tilt and i was watching some limit poker, i dont agree wit ur comment that NL players dont know how to play the turn and river and that many of it is all in on the flop, that is true in micro stakes and cheap tourneys, and late stages of tourneys but not in cash games at a gud standard, it must b kinda annoying when u have a really big hand and u cant get much money in pot ? do u play much NL ? what u think of it


Well-Known Member

usually sit n go's... 11 dollars.. or 55 if the cash is right..

just lost over 400 dollars.. dont think i'll be back till next month... kind of feel stupid....


Well-Known Member
ah man sorry u put all that work in for nothing, i just opened up full tilt and i was watching some limit poker, i dont agree wit ur comment that NL players dont know how to play the turn and river and that many of it is all in on the flop, that is true in micro stakes and cheap tourneys, and late stages of tourneys but not in cash games at a gud standard, it must b kinda annoying when u have a really big hand and u cant get much money in pot ? do u play much NL ? what u think of it
not too too much NL for me... here nad there or at a home game... im not as creative as i should be, i like to stick to statured plays... i dont like risisking my whole stack and sumtimes its hard to get ur $ in with a bomb hand so it rarley plays out for me... with NL i play really tite as well, almost scared and i find im watching the game more then gettin involved... thats ok when ur live cuz u can pick up tells and such but boring when online... i personaly like the limit game better... but thats jus my preference... im really not down with tourneys cuz its too ez to lose ur lead by calling ppl on the verg of goin out, makin a move with a medderoker hand cuz they dont have a choice... plus i like to switch my game up.. i feel u have to give action to get action... sumtimes u gotta throw that lil bet out so ppl think ur a retard inoreder to fuk em over later in the game.. cant do that in a tourny... u make a mistake and ur doomed... with a cash game its less focus and waiting and u can make mistakes and regain urself unlike tourneys... im a loose but tite player.. in other words ill play a wide veriaty of hands but wont stick around if its no good for me, and if it is, i get the $ in... and u gotta be careful doin that in nolimit... im not gonna call bets when i know im beat... limit there is more action, not so much "crazy" all in action or what not but theres betting through out the whole hand.. its jus my preference.. i make more $ in it so y change rite??? i have multiple times thrown 50$ or so on my acc and brang it up to 600+ in a cpl days... with 50$ i rarely go broke b4 playin atleast 30hrs+ online and we all know u can get 60hnds plus in an hr online...thats like $1 an hr... nvr get entertainment like that anywhere...
try it out, read a book on limit, watch a vid.. it will help ur nolimit game and who knows, u may like it like i do... jus dont play anything under 2/4 cuz its gay and u feel like u get nowhere... oh and as far as watching it online, ppl play those tbles regularly.. the ppl u see on them most often know how or have played it b4 if not regularly.. when ur at a casino that only has limit lots of ppl have nvr played that style is oblivious to the game and have a diff look on the game cuz they r used to playing the way they do in nolimit.. its like learning to drive on the otherside of the road... if thats where u first learned, then its no prob.. but its hard to adjust when ur already used to the way u do things... ya know??? and thats where i mean u have an upperhand if u know how to do it and sum1 else doesnt..
either way.. play ur best and who cares bout bad beats.. they happen, no way round it.. as long as u played the hand the best it coulda been played then dont get down... ur were rite and either ur oppenent or the poker gods werent!!! good luck with ur gaming guys!!!! we all wanna be legit millionares rather then growing weed.. well maybe for personal, haha


Well-Known Member
nice work turning 50$ into 600$, feels great to do that ya i doubt id move to limit holdem i like to play aggressive in cash games and get players off hands that are better than mine , cant do that in limit, i think that is y some ppl play limit is cause its safer, u can see more flops, u cant go broke really in 1 hand if u full stacked unless ye 3 4 5 6... bet each other, im going to deposit again another 1,000$ in afew days and try so hard to have good bankroll management, lol and ill try and stay away from them gay games

what kind of style do u play dwr?

u must b donk if u lost over 400$ doing 5$ sng's

harrington on holdem - they are great books they can help ur game


Well-Known Member
i think it takes a lot more skill to play no limit than to play limit.. with limit you have a safety net.. its easier to push the bets to the max limit.. which takes away some skill.. its much easier to chase hands and get lucky hitting them than with no limit.. in no limit you can usually buy out the chasers... which makes it easier to tell how well your hand is stacked against your opponents.. unless you get the guy (like me) who plays anything so you never know what they have.. usually... i dont know.. to my limit is much more for the casual poker player who doesnt want to lose much, but still wants to put some into their pocket... no limit is for the hardcore poker player, willing to risk it all to win it all...

plus no limit puts you to the ultimate decision.. how much are your cards really worth?? are you willing to put everything down on them... because once your chips are gone they are gone.. so is the flush really worth chasing?? or how sure are you that you'll hit that open ended straight?? i've just noticed a lot less donks playin no limit than playing limit..

and i dont have an issue playing with donks.. most of the time i love them.. when i set down and see a donk at a table, or find them online, all i see is money signs... but the shit part of it is playing with donks during tourneys.. because they genuinely have no clue what they are doing.. and it seems that the worse there hand is the better it plays out for them.. although i agree poker is somewhat a luck game, i think its more skill than anything.. i just hate "luck" players i guess.. the ones that its obvious they are just going by some random shit that makes no sense.. know what i mean?