online pharms?


Well-Known Member
The fuck is up with that dude?
It always amazes me that a site full dedicated to growing weed has such high strung folks. Apparently can't we all just hit a bong is lost on some.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
damn, this dude vacpurge just pissed me off.. check out this bs..

was having a good day till i read that bs.. went to see a friend and smoked some nice blue dream, got home and this was one of the first things i read..
I always misread his name as VagPurge. Always wondered why anybody would call himself that. Only noticed last week it's a C not a G...

Do they sell things like K at these pharmacies? I'm guessing no, but with SR down now I'm pretty much at a loss. I don't really trust the RC scene too much anymore, not to mention the last MXE i got was bunk. Oh well may just have to go without space travel for a bit.
RC's are great, what's not so great is the fact idiots where I come from have made so much trouble mixing them up and selling these cocktails as anything but what they are, screwing up quite a few young heads in the process. A few assholes really ruined it over here. If only having your drugs tested was legal... Hoooray, prohibition.


Well-Known Member
Haha..vag purge...damn racer,I think you got into it with my ex..that dude needs to purge allright...


Well-Known Member
I always misread his name as VagPurge. Always wondered why anybody would call himself that. Only noticed last week it's a C not a G...

RC's are great, what's not so great is the fact idiots where I come from have made so much trouble mixing them up and selling these cocktails as anything but what they are, screwing up quite a few young heads in the process. A few assholes really ruined it over here. If only having your drugs tested was legal... Hoooray, prohibition.

Yeah thing is I fell out of the RC scene back in like 2010. Prior to that it was a godsend. But I just don't trust it for like spending the time to delve again.

And thanks for the inf0 Duck and Chicken! Dunno how I feel about ordering, especially seeing if they do press charges. Are there any helpful hints from anyone as to what to look for in a website? Does Safe or Scam include these sites too? It was hard to explain but sometimes back in the old RC site days you could get a good feel if a place was legit or not, least I always had success.


Well-Known Member
Malaysia is allways a good bet..not safe for big packages id assume,but varied in selection from what I've seen..if you ask around,be descreet...


Well-Known Member
iv always been tempted to order from those pharma-spam fuckers in my junk mail box lol but are there any out there worth ordering from?


Well-Known Member
I know people who've had real deal drugs from online pharms but it's my understanding there is a really high chaff to wheat ratio.


Well-Known Member
iv always been tempted to order from those pharma-spam fuckers in my junk mail box lol but are there any out there worth ordering from?
No, I wouldn't ever try them out. They get a list of 1,000's of people's emails, and spam that to all of them in hopes of scamming a few.
yeah i have used online pharms for a long time, then i found the silkroad and the escrow system and all the benzos or oxys etc you wanted.

theres are other options than online pharms you will get all the pills you are wanting in the darknet and sites like deepbay,bmr,sheep and with a escrow system meaning you dont pay until you have received your goods, but off course they still have there risks....
You shouldn't expose other sites like that, that's one of the reasons the SilkRoad was shut down because people went on the internet bragging about what they got and the next thing you know you got millions of people ordering from it and it goes viral. And then the FBI investages and shuts down the site..
And besides the pharmecuticals prices were up the ass on that site. For Percocet 5/325 it was like $13.85 a pill or some outrageous garbage like that. I could buy 4 of them for $10 on the streets lol and OxyContin 40mg was like $75 prices were gay af.

Not to mention that they always threw in another 15-20$ shipping fees.