*** Online Growing School 101 ***


Well-Known Member
Anyone herd from DOC? Someone else should start a new class till he gets back...Anyone got links to there favorite grow journals on this site? Thanks in advance for your replies


Well-Known Member
Why so much hostility & unwillingness to help by the old timers? This is the 4th post I've read by a "Mr. Ganga" today that wasn't encouraging. Do we all not need to learn somehow? somewhere? I agree that self study is beneficial to all; however, there is some comfort in being able to ask questions to those who are in the "know" through experience. It's just like a school teacher...I wouldn't want a seasoned teacher to tell my child "Go do it on your own you stupid lil kid!!" Maybe it makes you feel like you're someone to talk down to the newb's but really it just makes us think you're an ass ..certainly doesn't make us feel we can look up to you or ask you a question!! Maybe you should just stop reading our posts & definitely if you don't have something positive to say just don't post. Maybe go hang out on your own thread. Peace, MJ



Well-Known Member
Why so much hostility & unwillingness to help by the old timers? This is the 4th post I've read by a "Mr. Ganga" today that wasn't encouraging. Do we all not need to learn somehow? somewhere? I agree that self study is beneficial to all; however, there is some comfort in being able to ask questions to those who are in the "know" through experience. It's just like a school teacher...I wouldn't want a seasoned teacher to tell my child "Go do it on your own you stupid lil kid!!" Maybe it makes you feel like you're someone to talk down to the newb's but really it just makes us think you're an ass ..certainly doesn't make us feel we can look up to you or ask you a question!! Maybe you should just stop reading our posts & definitely if you don't have something positive to say just don't post. Maybe go hang out on your own thread. Peace, MJ
first of all , # of posts here doesnt mean their an old timer. some people just keep posting about growing ... but they dont actually grow

any way... when new growers are serious about growing ..... the ones who will pick it up the fastest are the ones who will read through the tutorial to get the basics ...... if people are asking questions about the basics its kinda lame.... :joint:


Well-Known Member
So i read alot of the stuff on this website and it was helpful but i have one question when should i start to use my co2 i had been using it since the plants were around 4 inchs tall but today i went to the hydroshop and the guy told me to only use co2 in flowering so i turned it off he said theres no need for it till then! is this true?


Well-Known Member
As I understand the use of co2, It would depend on a few things. Temps,nute and light levels. higher temps and levels of nutes and light would could use higher co2.


Well-Known Member
Nice,,, looks good stumps.Me girls are already curing and have been smokin the crazed chemo past week or so.YUMMY :hump::hump:

Dont forget to cure it right. I jar cure all mine after hanging for 4 days the trimmed buds go into the jars for the final dry.Not the fastest way to cure but it sure brings out that flavor and to me thats what it's all about.My last girl is taking alot longer than the first 2 to cure but every time I burp those jars that wonderful smell fills the room.Couple more weeks and she should be ready to sample too.

Maybe we need to post up a curing method or 2 being it's about the end of this first class.

My next round is already a month into bloom and is really filling in.Runnin a couple white widows this time and they sure smell alot stronger than the last batch.Ol carbon filter is getting a workout this go around.


Well-Known Member
thats the same way I cure. hang for three days then jar and burp till all moisture is gone then burp another day or two. finish with 3-4 weeks in sealed jars. Going to try to get a vac on the jars this time around. I read the less air the better on the final cure. I have a haze strain in veg atm and have G-13 seeds waiting to start. I'm lookung for some good moms do I don't have to waste time with seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've got me pump ready for the jars too.Have yet to try it but should work fine. On the coffee grounds thing, not sure either. Ya add it to yer soil but not sure how much. I dont add anything but foxfarm nutes so cant help ya's, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've got me pump ready for the jars too.Have yet to try it but should work fine. On the coffee grounds thing, not sure either. Ya add it to yer soil but not sure how much. I dont add anything but foxfarm nutes so cant help ya's, sorry.

let me know on th the vac jar I want to try that.


Well-Known Member
Get anywhere on the vac pump? Will have a use for it soon. The first two to come off 79g and 90g wet. kind of a sad yeild for 5 months. they were a auto strain and only got 12/12. Someone told me to kick the light up to 18/6 for autos maybe that would have helped the yeild out some. I will jar the first tomorrow I think.


Well-Known Member
so the autos came off and cured out at at just over 40g. the yeild was smaller the the last go, but the smoke is far beter. 1-10 on the two grows.
first second
1 smell 8
2 taste 8
7 High 8

No couch lock at all but the high is short lived.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Hello to all-----------The Doc is back!!!------What the hell has everyone been up to ?. The Doc has been doing some travling and moved to CO... Big change from CA. Missed you ----------:bigjoint:. You guys will have to get me back in the rollitup loop.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Dank

It's really cool that you are back. I got my medical endorsement about 1 1/2 months after you started your online school. I followed along only about 6 weeks behind. Your advice got me off to a good start and I was able to figure out the rest by myself and this forum.

anyway..... to make a long story short I got some high quality meds harvested 4 (too strong actually...wait that's not possible)weeks ago and have a second crop 2 week into 12/12.

thanks to you Dr. Dank and to all the helpful people at Roll-it-up


Well-Known Member
Hey doc, WE thought you might have fallen could'nt get up lol. Glad to see ya back. Got one ?? should I put the girls into flower now that your back. lol j/k. I did let them veg for a long time. the first 101 grow is just about done. they will come off sometime this week. I'll get some pics posted this evening when they wake up.