*** Online Growing School 101 ***


Well-Known Member
No, they grow under a 20/4 light schedule from seed to weed man!!! There usually under a foot to, and produce between 1/2 and 1 full ounce... these were ak-47 lowlife autoflowering seeds..


Active Member
i know this might be a big ask or stupid ask, but is it possible to have this thread cleaned up, im finding it extremely hard to get involved or find anything worth reading in here cause of 50+ pages.. :P or maybe an TOC? haha

just a thought..cause i would love to have a read of this.

thanks guys :)


Well-Known Member
We're just waiting for the docs return.School was put on hold a few weeks back untill his return.So ,, we're just showing our progress and waiting.bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member

This thread has been temporarily hijacked until the Doctor Is In!

Thank you for your understanding.


Well-Known Member
hey kruzty, can you give me the lowdown on ppm feeding?? i'm not getting it.
Yep think I got it down.My tap water is 200 ppm so i have to factor that in when adding nutes.If i'm adding to hit 500 ppms thats where I stop.So I'm not feeding 500ppm of nutes,its nute and my 200ppm water.If I was useing r/o water with a zero ppm then went to 500 it would be 500 of nutes.I can see why r/o is better,your getting more of what ya want not a bunch of crap thats in the water that ya dont know what it is.
Did I splain it right?? It had me screwed up for a while.
My last feeding was full strenght according to the foxfarm nute chart.I added by tsb like it says to a gallon of water then ph'd the mix and checked ppms.Put me right at 990 with my tap water ppm of 220.I didn't know what ppm doc might have wanted me at so I just did it by the chart and then checked.plants seemed to like it so cool so far.


Well-Known Member
very cool I was on the right track, just got them under the mh. was at 650 under two cfl's 1-80w 1-100w. I will top off the nutes over the next few weeks. this 400w mh is so much beter then the cfl's. I have the light about 10"off the tops. they are looking much beter afer just two day.


Well-Known Member
Yep I hear ya on the mh.I'm on the hunt for another light for the veg room and looking for a 400mh/hps to add to the grow.


Active Member
I'm not 100% sure, but I think you factor your baseline ppm into what your trying to feed at.

For example, if you were trying to hit 500 ppm and you had a baseline of 220 ppm you would try and shoot for 720 ppm (giving you 500 ppm of just the nutrients)

Thats how I do it at least...


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% sure, but I think you factor your baseline ppm into what your trying to feed at.

For example, if you were trying to hit 500 ppm and you had a baseline of 220 ppm you would try and shoot for 720 ppm (giving you 500 ppm of just the nutrients)

Thats how I do it at least...
Thats what I thought too but nope.He had me add nutes(to a gallon of water) then add water untill I hit 550ppm, I stopped at 870ppm thinking I should factor me water in... guess not.He said I should have added untill 550 not 870(220ppm with me water).Water already has 220 ppm of whatever in it so have to add that with yer nutes.Ya just get more craps instead of nutes.Makes sence being ya dont know whats in the water.might be like nutes already so ya have to factor that in.Hope I got it right.I been feeding by the foxfarm chart and then checking ppms and recording.Last feeding was at 1050 of open sesame,,tigerbloom and bigbloom.There not dead yet,, so. So far so good.