*** Online Growing School 101 ***


Sector 5 Moderator
I took college courses in scoring good dope; can I exempt any of that? What does this course cost and is it accredited? If I further my education like this, can I expect my boss to give me a raise? If we cut class, do we get canned? If we are stoned when we take it, will you know and lower our grade? Just some questions off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
k first of all stop typing in caps it makes u look stupider than you already look.
Tds, PPm, EC its all relatively the same, just how much parts per million (ppm) in the water, ie the total desolved solids (tds), and the electrical conductivity (EC) of your feeding water. Normal tap water is between 30-90 ppm i think, and they all just mean the amount of fertilzer or particles in your water. Strong fertilizing gets to 2000 ppm



Well-Known Member
You obviously don't know what your talking about if you don't know what ppm is. Basic high school stuff, Dont be so agressive or you wont last long here.


Sector 5 Moderator
k first of all stop typing in caps it makes u look stupider than you already look.
Tds, PPm, EC its all relatively the same, just how much parts per million (ppm) in the water, ie the total desolved solids (tds), and the electrical conductivity (EC) of your feeding water. Normal tap water is between 30-90 ppm i think, and they all just mean the amount of fertilzer or particles in your water. Strong fertilizing gets to 2000 ppm
First of all, we all know the whopping brainpower of anyone that uses the word "stupider". Secondly, this isn't your thread and the OP can post however he/she wishes; if you don't like it, then don't post. Glad you got a good harvest of your kush but don't come to RIU and be a dickhead or you'll get tossed out on your head too quick to talk about.


Well-Known Member
you obviously don't know what your talking about if you don't know what ppm is. Basic high school stuff, dont be so agressive or you wont last long here.

here you go assuming that i dont know what something is. Ive been around this/doing this for a really long time. Ive only grown hydro a few times,but belive me i know what parts per million,total dissolved solids,and electric conductivity is. Mabey if you would go back and read the post again i was just saying its more science than growing. I know people that have never used any of the materials listed and grew some of the best more than once. Thanks but dont assume when you do you look like the first 3 letters of the word!!!


Well-Known Member
First of all, we all know the whopping brainpower of anyone that uses the word "stupider". Secondly, this isn't your thread and the OP can post however he/she wishes; if you don't like it, then don't post. Glad you got a good harvest of your kush but don't come to RIU and be a dickhead or you'll get tossed out on your head too quick to talk about.
Ladys!Ladys! no negative energy please..:peace:

Now kiss and make upkiss-ass

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I took college courses in scoring good dope; can I exempt any of that? What does this course cost and is it accredited? If I further my education like this, can I expect my boss to give me a raise? If we cut class, do we get canned? If we are stoned when we take it, will you know and lower our grade? Just some questions off the top of my head.
You should be fine----and a little personality is great as well-----see you at the class...

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
lol let me guess... huge banner that says "sponsored by Cannabis Therapeutics"
If you are here to contribute some info that will help the growers than you are more than welcome to stop by anytime and post. But if you can't bring anything positive that will help them then just go harass someone else on another thread.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter if you have zero knowledge or allot(there are those that have more knowledge than I and some with less) lets keep this class as fun and positive as possible. I will be back around the 1st of Jan to post some more details. There are also going to be some surprises along the way.----------------GET YOUR SEEDS READY----------------------.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Just a note: seeds need to go into germ this Sunday 5pm pacific-----I just take bottled water and pour it into a very small glass---I then add the seeds and put the glass in a dark area. I will be online SAT with the start and more info but have your seeds ready to rock!!!.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah ima get noob of the year,
i germed a power skunk and a pigmy gold and accidentally burned the small sprouts once i put them in rockwool , so i just germed another power skunk and pigmy gold again and the power skunk sprouted and am wondering whether to put it straight into the soil and water the soil and put a 24w cfl on it or put it in a rockwool that i submerged into water last night????

i think ima put the power skunk into soil and once the p.Gold sprouts, into the presoaked rockwool. gonna do a soil grow cuz the grow faq sez soil and hydro just about the same , hydro growing slightly faster.


Well-Known Member
Aloha. gonna join this ride. I am germing 2 krush seeds now and I have 3 babies that are about 2 weeks old. Good luck to all.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Welcome to all:

As I said in a previous post get your seeds out. You will need to Start the germ process tomorrow /Sunday at 5 pm pacific.(that way we will all be on the same page. You don't need a lot of expensive equipment for this grow--just some seeds you want to see BLOWN_UP_FAT:weed:. The germ process I use is fast and effective and take 3 days for plants to break ground. Tomorrow you will need to put your seeds in a glass or small container of room temp----R/O-----DISTILED-----BOTTLED H2O.---Then put them in a dark place. We will do this together tomorrow. If you have any questions---now is the time:?::?::?:.


Well-Known Member
is the class closed?? i want in. i got seeds and jiffy pots ready. the seeds are 4-way and bag seed. i'm all ready on my first grow and learning from this site.we do this on-line with pic's or have to write a paper?