One window room? My head is caving in...


Hey there guys, I've been reading for a while now and I'm still very uneasy about
how to set up a grow room, particularly the exhaust/intake side of it.

I have a room that's 7' x 10', so plenty of space to fit an Aeroflo 28 with a 600w HPS.

Here's the problem, there is only one window in the room and it's tiny, you can't even
stick your head out.

So my only option seems to be to use the door to the room as an exhaust and/or
intake(passive or active).

But then I have a concern about drawing/blowing all that air out of that tiny window.
It's ground floor so pedestrians are a problem and if someone were to take a closer
look, what would they notice?

And that's another thing, blocking the view to the grow room and keeping the air
outside available to the plants at the same time seems impossible to me?

As you can hear, I'm completely clueless as to all the options available to me,
not to mention the most viable one.

You'd take a big load of my shoulders if you'd help a fella' out :grin:


Well-Known Member
you will be better off intaking from inside and exhausting outside, in summers, inside is cooler and winters it's warmer. you can fit a filter in there easily and exhaust with a big duct to the window, that window could be closed with sort of a black box over it. place a neat metallic net over it so that no one can reach inside, and they wouldnt see a thing filter has to be good not to give smells. the door should be kept just cracked open for passive intake. i would try to make intake/exhaust from same window if posible and close that room up


you will be better off intaking from inside and exhausting outside, in summers, inside is cooler and winters it's warmer. you can fit a filter in there easily and exhaust with a big duct to the window, that window could be closed with sort of a black box over it. place a neat metallic net over it so that no one can reach inside, and they wouldnt see a thing filter has to be good not to give smells. the door should be kept just cracked open for passive intake. i would try to make intake/exhaust from same window if posible and close that room up
I appreciate the reply.

Why the big duct? Any specific reason.

If the small window is an exhaust wouldn't people hear it clearly if they'd be snooping around? How small is too small for a passive intake (ie. exhaust through the door and into the house)?

Any more brainstorming would be gold, thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
exhausting into house will stink it. passive intake should be bigger than exhaust like 2x, the duct is for placing the fan at its end and if it's big, the wind noise is less, insulate and curve it connect to a totally insulated box over the window. come think of it thats much work, thats how i would do it, but if you dont mind stinkin your house and never letting anyone in go ahead and exhaust into i find it crazy, a 600 will flower plants that will stink and if people snoop around your place might as well look into alternatives. do you have option of maybe breaking holes in the interior walls? do you own the place or rent?