one white widow how big 400 hps


Well-Known Member
:confused:I have one white widow from amsterdam seeds growing under 400 watt hps with large grow area. what is the best method grow height ect for the most yeild? time is not a concern either its about 1 foot tall now with the top tied down somewhat


Well-Known Member
so what is the best height for the plant if someone knows any input is greatly appreciated and considered and what is the possible yeild 5 gallon pot is what its in go bigger? Ive looked for weeks for answers to my questions but found none


Well-Known Member
its supposed to be optimal to start flowering 1.5-2 ft, should give best output, but i cant tell for sure dude, go research a bit...


Well-Known Member
trust me like i have said i have researched alot basically i want to know how tall to grow for maximum yeild and what yeild to expect


Well-Known Member
i have watched already not that high tech I have palnt in organic soil fert with 10-10-10 when water and have miracle grow flower for what else flower how much can I expect to yeild growing to max for the light


Well-Known Member
grow it too less than half of the height that you have available because it will more than double in height after you put it in flower. Dont top it just let it go naturally cause those widows turn into giant christmas trees if they have the room.


Well-Known Member
so is it all white widows that grow like that or would it just be cause there awesome growers? what id do is exactly the same as the guys in the video did they seemd to do ok id say they got atleast $4000 worth of bud off that.