One Very Sad Day


Well-Known Member
So about this time last year i decided to start my own grow. About 4 weeks into it my mother in law (who is very dramatic, nosy, manipulative person. The type you get bad vibes from, but she plays the "victim" all the time) found my little operation while staying at my house. She flips the fuck out and threatens this and that so I tore down my op (which wasn't bad cuz it was a joke, candidate for biggest laugh of the year.) in fear of her calling the police.

So we did not talk to her for a couple of months, and my wife her mom started to communicate again and we started seeing more and more of her. By this time I had gone advanced with my grow, nice cfl's, exotic seeds, all organic, the whole nine. # nice looking female Arjans ultra haze #1. So last night me and the wife are eating, and her mother said I have something to ask, she asked if we still grow, and of course we denied it, but not knowing what she would do, I went and harvested the one that had a week left. And chopped the other two down. Boy did it hurt my heart. I had my op tore down in less than 15 min.

Nothing happened that night, but the next morning she got all crying and "how could you do this blah blah blah, Starts interrogating my child, so i kicked her ass out. She is never allowed back her.

Just had to get that out, thanks to all who read.

Anybody else have trouble with in-laws?


Well-Known Member
Wait... so your mother in law questioned your child to see if you were still growing? I would have kicked her ass out the house too. Naa i dont have trouble with in-laws yet, i just try my best and smile whenever i see some girls parents. Atleast your mother in law isnt threatening you with the police, I've seen worst, but your smart for harvesting quick just incase.


Well-Known Member
that sucks man, no probs from the in-laws here, but now my own mother she doesnt approve very well, no threats or anything, just a sore subject and prefers that I wouldnt do it.


Well-Known Member
She did threaten to file for custody of my kids, thats what set me off the first time. Preciate tha support, When my harvest dries and cures Im smoking a fat one for yall.

It also sux to have bad blood between family, but you can't let them take advantage of you.


Active Member
My girlfriend's parents (will probably be in laws in the future) piss me off. I've always been rebellious ever since I was a kid in middle school, and I just don't see eye to eye with really any of their values. So I like to piss them off any way that I can. They're like the really traditional, conservative, christian type... everything they say makes me grit my teeth XD. Thankfully hardly any of their values rubbed off on my girlfriend. I don't know why, but I always get huge satisfaction in spiting other people that aren't my friends.


Active Member
I feel you on that gritting teeth, I just want to slap her ass every time she speaks.

Good luck.
You got unlucky my friend. Her parents moved a few states away months ago, so I'll only ever have to deal with them on holidays and such. I'd go insane if they were around all the fucking time. I feel for ya.