One Seed, One Disire


Well-Known Member
NEW PICTURES !!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah im excited :] these are from earlyer today :weed:

i had to loosely tie the stem of the plant to a coffee stir stick cause it fell over yesterday , i took it off after seeing it was strong enough to hold its self up again :D


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
the plant is stretching to the lights, if you can put them closer, about 2" it would really help, and transplant soon and bury that stem about half way and you'll be great, hope it a female, good start. these were my new girls at 16 days, you can see i keep the lights only about an inch and a half above the plants right now, they love it, LoL. cool pancake too, now im hungry, LoL.



Well-Known Member
the plant is stretching to the lights, if you can put them closer, about 2" it would really help, and transplant soon and bury that stem about half way and you'll be great, hope it a female, good start. these were my new girls at 16 days, you can see i keep the lights only about an inch and a half above the plants right now, they love it, LoL. cool pancake too, now im hungry, LoL.
yeah i put my plant pretty close, and hell yeah i hope its female too other wize i have to start over my grow after finding some seeds and i also wont be able to make clones :[

looks like a sativa hybrid to me, what do you think ?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Yes I would say sativa hybrid,
but its really early to tell.
You should check out my grow bro!
Today makes it 4 weeks!


Well-Known Member
Yes I would say sativa hybrid,
but its really early to tell.
You should check out my grow bro!
Today makes it 4 weeks!
Yeah i asked the guy i bought the sack from who says the sack was SENSI STAR !!! YEAH!!!! now i know what im growing :] ! and id be happy to check out yur grow :D


Well-Known Member
DAY 7 : today i made my own C02, its pretty down im not going to lie, i dont know how much c02 is to much but i have it going, ALSO

I MADE A COMPOST BIN !!!! , after cutting the grass i threw in the grass trimmings , some old plants flowers rose pettles couple fruits i found lying on the ground from who knows where , and a bunch of coffee grownds , :D

i still need to transplant but ill be getting pictures up with in the next 30 mins, im going to go take them right now :)


Well-Known Member
Whats up with the CFL's? I only grow outdoors, but might wanna start a pet project inside. Those lights work? What wattage you running? Get them pics up, i'm waiting...haha

P.S.-That Pancake looks fucking dank! Next time do a naked chick riding a dragon through space with tiny budleaves for stars


Well-Known Member
Im running a desk fluorescent light and Two CFL's , i started out with just the desk one and amped it up to two flood cfls but i knowticed they where the same light .... shade [red]

total of 3 lights , and im guessing 75-80 watts ? most likly more ill check it later on

so i switched them with a more watt CFL's , the watts of the CFL's are 23w and puts out 1600 lumens each, plus i have the tin foil lining the box to reflect alot of light so im sure that helps alot. :bigjoint:


the picture of the garage is where i have my stealth grow box lol , one of thoughs cardbord boxes is were im growing in haha


Well-Known Member
Whats up with the CFL's? I only grow outdoors, but might wanna start a pet project inside. Those lights work? What wattage you running? Get them pics up, i'm waiting...haha

P.S.-That Pancake looks fucking dank! Next time do a naked chick riding a dragon through space with tiny budleaves for stars
haha yeah i made that pancake a couple years back , here is the link HAHAHAH !

epic :]


Well-Known Member
Im running a desk fluorescent light and Two CFL's , i started out with just the desk one and amped it up to two flood cfls but i knowticed they where the same light .... shade [red]

so i switched them with a more watt CFL's , the watts of the CFL's are 23w and puts out 1600 lumens each, plus i have the tin foil lining the box to reflect alot of light so im sure that helps alot. :bigjoint:

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You gonna plant outdoors in those trash cans? Confused by the picture of the garage, but nice bikes?


Active Member
you light might not be good enough, the babys are stretching too much. or you had the lights too far away. Keep up the good work and watch those weak stems!


Well-Known Member
the picture of the garage is where i have my stealth grow box lol , one of thoughs cardbord boxes is were im growing in haha

you light might not be good enough, the babys are stretching too much. or you had the lights too far away. Keep up the good work and watch those weak stems!
and i actualy only have one plant :c , once i figure out the sex, if female ill be taking some clones :] SENSI STAR FTW ! ,

haha the title of my thread " one seed, one disire "


Well-Known Member
Nice. So those CFL's are the kind I can just get at the local bargain store? Thanks for the info dude.

Whats up with the 1 liter bottle that says co2 on it? lol...Dry ice works wonders

dry ice creates co2 ? and yeah a long time ago during my first grow i read this thread LINK -->>

and so i desided to make anouther co2 bottle, and yeah as long as there CFL's your good to grow , you need to look for the ones that are more blue then red, thoughs are the ones that are good for vegging up to flowering and then once you get to flowering you should switch to the more red ones


Well-Known Member
UPDATE : i transplanted my plant into the cat litter pale after drilling a bunch of holes in the bottom, i used some old M-Grow ... i know its not the best but... its the only thing i had available >,< :/

i have my light schedual at 19/5, should i change it too 18/6 yet ?
this is the most current pic of my plant IMG_2544.jpg

and if i do , how should i extend the hour , have my timer end an hour early and start the light again sam time as usual or stop the timer at the same time it always does and start the light again an hour later

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yes, leave it on 18/6 for about 4 more weeks, trans plant that thing to a bigger pot and bury that stem some more and water it every 3 or 4 days with a mild nute mix every other watering, when the soil just starts to dry out. the timer doesnt matter, its whenever you want it to come on and turn off, either way will work. then in 4 weeks, turn it to 12/12 and hope you see white hairs and not ball sacs in a few more weeks, LoL.


Well-Known Member
yes, leave it on 18/6 for about 4 more weeks, trans plant that thing to a bigger pot and bury that stem some more and water it every 3 or 4 days with a mild nute mix every other watering, when the soil just starts to dry out. the timer doesnt matter, its whenever you want it to come on and turn off, either way will work. then in 4 weeks, turn it to 12/12 and hope you see white hairs and not ball sacs in a few more weeks, LoL.
i have it on a 19 hours of light and 5 hours of darkness , i think im going to leave it on that for to day

then tomorrow change it to 18/6, i just transplanted it today , so im pretty sure it in shock, if i change its light patterns so suddenly i think it might hurt it even more, and i did burry the stem sum, it looks like a shorty now lol

and the reson have the timer is mainly so i dont have to be constantly turning on and off the lights , im running the hours of darkness in the morning for some reson too, like 4-9...


Well-Known Member
FoR THE FuTure! : im planing on doing a little LST :) that i might start in a week or 2 , i might actualy decide to top it before i do it too haha , i have no room for it to get that big at all , thinking of pruning as well hahaha i need a bigger box