One plant what kind of lamp?


Active Member
Hello everyone .. im a first time indoor grower and im asking myself what kind of lamp should i use ... i only have one plant and i know theres lots of kind in lamp... I Set up some nice ventilation with 2 CPU fan and for now im using Aerogarden lamp for seedling but i want something more efficient for flowering and vegetative cycle ... Can someone help me a bit about that !?

And btw im really sorry for my writing ... im french so im doin my best here.

Thanks a lot!


Cheapest would be CFL's
6500k for Veg and 2700k for Flower.
i agree with him. first time inside grower. i have two, week old ladies under four equivalent to 100w daylights Cfl's they are really cheap and im sure will get the job done for u if ur in a budget. like i was :D