One plant OP


Active Member
I am looking to start my first growing operation as I was a stoner in High school and have moved away to college and am short on cash along with dealers. I just want to get some of your guys opinions about requirments. I want to grow one plant just for starters. I would like to know the space, lighting, and ventilation reccomendations. Keep in mind I live in a single bedroom apartment. Thank you for any responses.


Well-Known Member
closet grow with flos. and welcome to the site, dont just grow one to start, do 3 , cos only one may be female,or somthing may go wrong.


Well-Known Member
get a 400watt hps light, a keyed lock for the closet door. dont grow in a closet that has any equipment like water heater or fuse box or somthin just incase the manager of apt need to fix a leak or somthin. thats why u get the key door lock for your closet.

then do bubble buckets, 5 gal bucket per plant with air bubbler in it and get some nutes then u good to go, let it grow for 2 months and harvest 1/2 or 1 lb smoke on it till u almost out and do it all over again. that way u dont have to constantly have and op going therefore reducing your exposure to risk and cpture, good luck and check the growfaq above,

buy your light from, 400watter starting at $116 they consistantly low price and quality


Well-Known Member
heres the drawing of my stealth setup, i used a couch to block the closet door and hung a tapestry above it concealing the door
