One of my seeds had poped:)


Active Member
I am so excited after my first disapointing try at growing ( i had to kill my babies :( ) I am going to try this again I only have 2 seeds and I am not pickie about sex I am just doing this for personal use so I am planting the one that sprouted in a little bit wish me luck..... I will be grwing this one in loving memory of shorty and roberta....


Well-Known Member
Hey man, congratulations! But I think you may be a little confused about're making it sound as if females are just a little bit better than males, which is really not the case. Only females produce actual bud, and that is why growers always kill the males; the only part of males that has ANY thc content is the leaves, and smoking those is harsh. As far as I know, males are only good for cannabutter and maybe other cooking things. Smoking a male is generally considered a waste of time, and a good way to destroy your lungs (because you'll have to smoke much more to get high).

Bottom line is, even if you're only growing for personal use, 1 male is almost useless to you, while 1 female is perfect.


Active Member
at this point i dont care but thanks for the info. In a few months I plan on buying seeds and growing something worth time but right now I think I am just making sure I am up to this.


Well-Known Member
at this point i dont care but thanks for the info. In a few months I plan on buying seeds and growing something worth time but right now I think I am just making sure I am up to this.

how can you not care if you get a male ? are you special in the head ?


Well-Known Member
Well I hope you rethink how important females are. Are you just growing for practice and don't care what happens, because the kind of the impression I'm getting?


Active Member
just to clear this up I do care, But I only have 2 seeds and only one poped so if it ends up being a male I guess I am SOL. any how in the end I am buying seeds soon and I have decdied to go with an auto flowering strain, (and alos maybe some nothern lights) . I know many of you will tell me there is no point in the AF but the end result of growing these is what I want and the quicker the better. sorry for the misunderstanding on what I said orignally.