one of four plants yellowing

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
KIMG0189.jpg bottom left plant yellowing. I got these clones about 10 days ago and I'm growing in roots organics soil with water only . I gave them grow nutritious yesterday hoping it would help ....KIMG0190.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Letem dry out, then get some good clean water in them pots. Once you flush out some BS from the soil, givem a light dose of nutes. Whats your ph at the tap? Maybe your alkalinity is to high, if you dont have runoff, youll need a ro filter to control what goes in. Takem to the tub run some cold water through them AFTER they dry out. I could be wrong I am human :)


Well-Known Member
Hi, yellowing leaves is a typical nitrogen deficiency, leaves at the bottom right is potassium. You gave it some grow nutrients, it should improve with in a week, I would also recommend to give it a cal/mag and some micro, don't over do it though. If you won't see an improvement with in a week, than flush would be an option, otherwise I wouldn't flush the organic soil unless you absolutely have to.
Buy the TDS meter, and take some reading after each watering, it will give you a good idea about what's going on in the root zone.
Good luck mate

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
I also have mycos witch I plan to add in the next few days when I transplant into a full bag of soil.... there final pot.... thanks for the help guys