One night different makes roots light brown to BROWN !!


Organic material in DWC.
So my roots prior of Sensizym and Nirvana where light brown. After one night it went Brown !!

50ml 3 parts AN base nutrients
30 ml Sensizym
30 ml Big bud
30 ml Bud factor X
30 Ml HydroGuard
half scoop of Great White
30 ml Rhinoskin
30 ml bud candy

What`s new in my bucket Sensizym Before I was using Hygrozyme. Also I `ve been adding Nirvana which is organic.

To get rid of this coloration should I flush and brew in a new batch. Or should I add Hygrozyme and More hydroguard to fix the problem?? Temps remains around 20C
Will it hurt my plant if I add more great white miccorhizae with Hydroguard ? Stop using Sensizyme and continue with Hygrozyme ??
Just for shitz n gigglez; if you run a new batch, hold off on the Bud Factor X and see what happens.

I know the X works wonders for resin production; it likely does that by stressing your plants. How long have you been running the X? In my hydro grows i noticed that the last few weeks always had fast, wild drops in pH. So much so that on occasion i'd be changing out the nutes multiple times per week. That was running the pH Perfect version of Conny base and the full recipe minus the Piranha and Tarantula, and i didn't change out until i was running with a pH close to 4.0 (newly calibrated BlueLab Guardian).

Anyone else run X with a heavy hand and notice the same issue?

To be clear, i am not slamming Bud Factor X, or the AN lineup; merely making an observation and a suggestion based on the observation. AN worked well for me but it took a lot of work in the final weeks of a hydro grow (RDWC). It was a far easier grow when used outdoors in 100 and 150 gallon grow bags filled with ProMix.
Just for shitz n gigglez; if you run a new batch, hold off on the Bud Factor X and see what happens.

I know the X works wonders for resin production; it likely does that by stressing your plants. How long have you been running the X? In my hydro grows i noticed that the last few weeks always had fast, wild drops in pH. So much so that on occasion i'd be changing out the nutes multiple times per week. That was running the pH Perfect version of Conny base and the full recipe minus the Piranha and Tarantula, and i didn't change out until i was running with a pH close to 4.0 (newly calibrated BlueLab Guardian).

Anyone else run X with a heavy hand and notice the same issue?

To be clear, i am not slamming Bud Factor X, or the AN lineup; merely making an observation and a suggestion based on the observation. AN worked well for me but it took a lot of work in the final weeks of a hydro grow (RDWC). It was a far easier grow when used outdoors in 100 and 150 gallon grow bags filled with ProMix.
I hear you on going other ways besides hydro. I’m following the AN line in expert mode with all their products week by week. So I’ve been running Factor X week one. I’ve contacted AN before about the ph fluctuation they said that their product will work no matter what is the ph levels because they have an additive that allows nut uptake no matter what the ph is so long as it stays between 4-8 lol. My roots went really bad when I added yesterday sensizyme and nirvana. When I do a Rez change I take my plant and dipped it in another Rez with only water. So maybe it’s a reaction with hydrozyme and sensizyme and makes shit weird I don’t know. But I got 30% h2o2 so ill be fixing my roots with that. But before I’ll dump 1oz of hydroguard and 1 scoop of great White and see if this will overcome the bad shit
If the nutes are colored the roots will be colored. That shouldn't be a problem. My roots are always stained light brown. My favorite thing about Dynagro is how white the roots stay.