Welcome to my humble grows,,,
@MrX2017 Yea I do live in a VERY Liberal state. I am a transplant of course from Arkansas..... But still, most of these kids around here make me wanna go alittle Redneck on their asses...........
I repeatedly say I'm way into Southern Heritage.. That flag doesn't stand for hate to me. My faimly fought and died for the south.. As well ass WW1, WW2,, and all wars all the way to the sandbox.....
Hell my Old' Lady is American born,,,, but from Lebanese Bloodlines.
And I was raised in the Deep South as a child..... And I hold those values.I love my guns and country,,,, I fly an American Flag outside my home,,, and afew Confederate flags under the American Flag in my garage,, aka my office....... And will till I die...
I been lurking here for 10 years or so myself.
But your welcome to say anything you want here... Even if I don't agree with all of them... It's all good.....
I been taking pictures of weed ever since 1980'' though they are mostly polaroids. But some of these digitals are up to 12 years ago.. Most are under 5 years.
Enjoy and hope your gardens are green. If ya got a journal,, give me the link Keepem Green