One month into flowering :D. Opinions please :D?


Active Member
So the females showed their preflowers at 2 weeks into flowering, and those two single hairs two weeks later, are what you see in the pictures :D. It's absolutely gorgeous, and I wanted to know your guys' views on it :D.

The fertilizer is 10-30-20 Jacks Classic Blossom Booster :D. 12/12 LD of course :D. I water them at 1/4 strength Mon, Weds, Fri, and Sun. Occasional two or three sprays with the same ferts on days they aren't watered :D. These have been under CFL's since flowering started. I currently have 6 lights going. One above each stalk, as well as others hanging lower and in between the two plants to make sure all of the undergrowth is getting plenty of light as well.

There are crystals all OVER the leaves, everywhere you look. It's my first real grow op, but it is the most beautiful process on earth in my eyes :D.

Thanks everyone for your help and advice <3



Active Member
Your plants are gorgeous :D. I vegged these guys out for 8 weeks rather than 4. I mean it's new to me but I totally have it down. I just wish I had better lights :'( (will in a month when i harvest). So seeing my plants are four weeks in, showed preflowers at two weeks, how much longer does it look like mine have left? Month or 6 weeks ish? I know the buds will be popcorn status, but just to be able to enjoy and share what I've made excites me so much. Like I can't wait when someone hits it and says "Man that's GREAT!" and I'll be able to reply with "Hell yeah, I grew it <3."


Active Member
Your plants are gorgeous :D. I vegged these guys out for 8 weeks rather than 4. I mean it's new to me but I totally have it down. I just wish I had better lights :'( (will in a month when i harvest). So seeing my plants are four weeks in, showed preflowers at two weeks, how much longer does it look like mine have left? Month or 6 weeks ish? I know the buds will be popcorn status, but just to be able to enjoy and share what I've made excites me so much. Like I can't wait when someone hits it and says "Man that's GREAT!" and I'll be able to reply with "Hell yeah, I grew it <3."

the best part of growing such beautiful buds, is to smoke it with buddies who love it, its a joy i wish everyone could have. a huge sense of satisfaction for a job well done, in your case, its hard to tell how long you have, best way to tell is the trichomes, when they get amber colored thats when they are generally ready or if you can see the trichome head swell thats time to harvest, usually flowering is between 45-70 days( 45 being a early strain, 70 being a huge dominant sativa), if you know what plants you have, search flowering times for your plant, and investigate it for future grows. and use BRER RABBIT BLACKSTRAP MOLLASSES or sugar water while they are budding, the sugar(carbohydrates) help the good bacteria in ur soil breakdown bad stuff and produce a good enriched soil for your buds to suck up through the plant, you on ly need 1-2 tablespoons max per gallon, the carbs in the sugar or mollasses tighten and fill the buds up. the darker the mollasses the better, means more nutrients. if you have co2, i suggest using that too, buds will SWELL like crazy.


Well-Known Member
they look alright to me m8, im slightly behind you, im on 3 week and 2 days of flower, good luck with ya grow