One mans trash is another mans treasure


Well-Known Member
Well damn, I guess the saying is true.
I was checking my crop today and noticed a bunch of seed pods all over my oldest female!! Im talking about everywhere. I quickly checked my other two younger plants and only found a few seed pods here and there. Ive included a couple pics for ya.
I checked all my plants for hermie status/pollen sacks. I didnt find any pollen sacks anywhere, but there are a ton of these seed pods!!!:cuss: I pulled one pod off and opened it up, inside was a tiny white seed.
I do remember finding a hermie about 1.5 months ago. So I guess I didnt catch it in time. Damn now I got a bunch of seeds. Well I know all of my plants started as female, and one turned hermie. So atleast these will be feminized right?



Well-Known Member
they will be feminized, but they could be hermies too. it depends on how you got a hermie. if it was a genetic hermie it could have passed on the hermie genes, if it was a stress related hermie you should be good.

only time will tell now.


Well-Known Member
it depends ultimately on how the plant went hermie to decide whether or not the seeds are worth planting.
lets start with the easy questions. is the strain that went hermie a month and a half ago new to your garden? or have you grown it enough times to rule out a genetic hermie? if its been around for a few harvests without any problems its probably not a genetic hemie.


Well-Known Member
When they were young, about 3 weeks before flowering, they were caught in a freeze (mid february)and then also had a little light interuption due to power outage (early march) for a few days. So Im guessing that one hermie I found a while ago turned hermie from stress. I killed it imediately when I found it. I have been looking for pollen sacks all day on females. I only see these seed pods. I cant risk pollenating my future crop. I have been vegging them for two months and I really really dont want seeds in the future.
I might just chop the oldest one down now, get some quick smoke. It wont be much, but I have other plants I need to start flowering. My veg room is over crowded and so is my flower room. I will let the other two plants fully develope and get some quality seeds/smoke from them. They are in better condition and also much bigger anyways.


Well-Known Member
lets start with the easy questions. is the strain that went hermie a month and a half ago new to your garden? or have you grown it enough times to rule out a genetic hermie? if its been around for a few harvests without any problems its probably not a genetic hemie.
this is my first time growing Chemo.


Well-Known Member
did it come from somewhere reputable? sounds like yo have a stress hermie.

id be watchful when you grow the seeds anyway.
I ordered them from
They are from Federation company so Im thinking it was due to stress.
Anyways I chopped the small one that was mostly pollenated. It was also the first one I put into flower so it was the most mature as well. The triches were mostly cloudy, a few clear ones, and a few amber ones. About 50% of the hairs already turned red and have curled up. I know it wasnt ready to harvest yet, but Im over crowded in the flower & veg rooms. So I figuerd what the heck.
Here are some pictures of the buds I chopped and also the trim leaves Ill use for hash. enjoy!!!
I plan on growing the other two Chemo plants I have and harvesting those seeds. They were smaller when I found the hermie so they shouldnt have as many seeds.

