Well-Known Member
Lookin good!
i saw you put the air pot in upside down but youre lucky because you have that bucket top to keep water from pouring out the side
keep up the good work and watch out for THA MOLD hahaha it creeps up on the best of us.
Thanks man, i genuinly thought i was putting the airpot in the right way! But now uve made me thing about it and what u said makes a lot of sense. I've thought to myself a number of times when watering how much easier that blue bucket lip makes it, as it directs and channels water straight down instead of towards the holes where it would naturallly flow.
Anyway yeh im worried about mould slightly, low temps r easing my mind a little though, mould can only form in warm humid stale air conditions right?
Cold Temps bring out Cystolith (Spellcheck?) hairs.
Don't know about the waxy leaves.
I always notice people's leaves in flowering seem to "shine" more than usual.
Yeh ive never quite had leaves like this before, and ive over nuted before so thinking its something else. They look a little plasticy... And real shiny. Its only effecting new growth thats formed during flowering from the looks of it, i duno.
I was hoping for cold temps late in flower, not now. Just checked her temp and it was sitting at 16.8C at midday! Turned the intake to like 10%, extractor to about 15%, and my 80W greenhouse heater on full blast. Don't even know if this will help.... I hav my doubts as to whether the temp will increase at all. Didnt want to sacrifice air exchange for heat but looks like im gona hav to... Creating a paradise for our friend mould....
Crazy Scrog!!
Indeeed, i just woke up from a nightmare i had about big suze, been cutting down on my daily smoke and am getting a flood of dreams/nightmares as a result.
This time i was doing some maintainance and chunks of her canopy started to fall off, until i had like 20 branches left! Already wounded i decided to just save what i could, so started flushing the soil, only to be left with a bucket of small roots and no soil! At which point i accepted her passing away and began thinking about all the time and money ive just gone and wasted.....
The time before that i dreamt i was doing some maintainance and somehow suze fell off the thing she's sitting on in my cab and fell on her side, which put so much pressure on the knex screen due to the weight/size of suze that she snapped her spine! Again i felt soooooooo wounded!
Ive never had a positive dream about this plant, only nightmares!