One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Lookin good!

i saw you put the air pot in upside down but youre lucky because you have that bucket top to keep water from pouring out the side

keep up the good work and watch out for THA MOLD hahaha it creeps up on the best of us.

Thanks man, i genuinly thought i was putting the airpot in the right way! But now uve made me thing about it and what u said makes a lot of sense. I've thought to myself a number of times when watering how much easier that blue bucket lip makes it, as it directs and channels water straight down instead of towards the holes where it would naturallly flow.

Anyway yeh im worried about mould slightly, low temps r easing my mind a little though, mould can only form in warm humid stale air conditions right?

Cold Temps bring out Cystolith (Spellcheck?) hairs.

Don't know about the waxy leaves.

I always notice people's leaves in flowering seem to "shine" more than usual.

Yeh ive never quite had leaves like this before, and ive over nuted before so thinking its something else. They look a little plasticy... And real shiny. Its only effecting new growth thats formed during flowering from the looks of it, i duno.

I was hoping for cold temps late in flower, not now. Just checked her temp and it was sitting at 16.8C at midday! Turned the intake to like 10%, extractor to about 15%, and my 80W greenhouse heater on full blast. Don't even know if this will help.... I hav my doubts as to whether the temp will increase at all. Didnt want to sacrifice air exchange for heat but looks like im gona hav to... Creating a paradise for our friend mould....

Crazy Scrog!!

Indeeed, i just woke up from a nightmare i had about big suze, been cutting down on my daily smoke and am getting a flood of dreams/nightmares as a result.

This time i was doing some maintainance and chunks of her canopy started to fall off, until i had like 20 branches left! Already wounded i decided to just save what i could, so started flushing the soil, only to be left with a bucket of small roots and no soil! At which point i accepted her passing away and began thinking about all the time and money ive just gone and wasted.....

The time before that i dreamt i was doing some maintainance and somehow suze fell off the thing she's sitting on in my cab and fell on her side, which put so much pressure on the knex screen due to the weight/size of suze that she snapped her spine! Again i felt soooooooo wounded!

Ive never had a positive dream about this plant, only nightmares!
Also im considering investing in soil warming cables and Coiling them around my airpot to warm up the roots.... They're sitting in soil too cold for my liking....

Opinions any1?
Lilindian, a couple of things you might try to warm your space. Turn your intake off completely and let your extractor fan create a passive intake. If you can control the speed of the fan to your light, slow it down to allow more heat from your light to radiate into your space.

Low or high temps will affect the growth of your girl. If you start to consistently get temps of 14c or lower it will affect the rate of growth. If you can keep your temps above 17c I wouldn't worry too much. Try to remember you learn with experience and one of the first things you learn is what your grow space is capable of doing and more importantly what it can't do. I think you'll eventually figure out a way to control your temps and your grows and harvests will reflect that control with more and better finished specimens.
Do u know what your soil temps are m8?

Havn't a clue, but the amb cab temp lights off is 17-19C, so the soil can't be any warmer than that, only colder. I've felt the temperature of the run off after watering last week and it was a lot colder than the water i was pouring in, the soil is cold 100% due to the temps the cab is dropping to in lights off.

Update junkies unite! :P

We demand updates! Give pictures to the people!

Yes sir, will hav a lil sumthin sumthin for u later 2day.

Lilindian, a couple of things you might try to warm your space. Turn your intake off completely and let your extractor fan create a passive intake. If you can control the speed of the fan to your light, slow it down to allow more heat from your light to radiate into your space.

Low or high temps will affect the growth of your girl. If you start to consistently get temps of 14c or lower it will affect the rate of growth. If you can keep your temps above 17c I wouldn't worry too much. Try to remember you learn with experience and one of the first things you learn is what your grow space is capable of doing and more importantly what it can't do. I think you'll eventually figure out a way to control your temps and your grows and harvests will reflect that control with more and better finished specimens.

Couple steps ahead of u heads, I woke up today and turned the intake fan completely off and left the extractor on full, temps rose by like 0.2 degrees or something stupid like that in half an hour. So for the past half hour - hr i've turned both intake and extractor off just to get the temps up, and then i'll turn the extractor on again at like 10% and see how well she holds in the heat.

The temp problems are only causing me trouble at lights off time, lights on the sensor reads 24C which means at canopy level its 27-29C which i consider perfect! This is the first time i've grown at this time of the year and first time i've experienced such shiny waxy leaves so felt inclined to try and make a connection there.

Either the weather/temps has completely thrown what would otherwise be a perfectly good feeding schedule out the window, or its just the genetics of this strain.

I've always heard blueberry genetics were hard to grow out, and that they were particularly picky when it came to feeding ect, but man, i havn't encountered so many problems since the beginning of my first grow!

I'd love you to have a look at my first grow journal, just to see how much of my set up i've changed, how much i've invested into it to get the environment as close to perfect and stable as possible. I'm coooooonstantly tweaking stuff. Up till now i've always struggled to keep temps low. After some reasonable investments i managed to get this bang on point for summer grows, winter however is a different ball game all together as i'm learning. By the end of this grow i should be kitted out to grow all year round!
If you're going to get warmers i'd only use at lights off. It takes soil a lot longer to cool down than it does to warm up...
If you're going to get warmers i'd only use at lights off. It takes soil a lot longer to cool down than it does to warm up...

That was the plan, there's more than enough warmth floating about in lights on.

Never knew soil takes longer to cool down than warm up, useful to bear in mind for sure. Cheers for that
Havn't given this a huge amount of thought, but... what if... i create a NEXT inlet into the cab somewhere with an inline fan on it, but instead of pulling in air from outside it'll be pulling in air from my room which is at a steady 27C at the moment.

I can have the fresh air inline from outside turned off at lights off, and only used on lights on, and vice verca regarding the other intake pulling in air from my room.

Bit of work will be required, need to buy a next inline fan now but outside its only gona get colder along with the air being pulled in, need to do something before winter REALLY sets in and starts causing me trouble.

My only concern with this idea is negative pressure. Another 5" intake will destroy any neg pressure in there at the moment. Light leaks will be minimised by either snaking or just covering the ducting, and having the inline fan in a dark corner somewhere....
Couple questions... why would soil cool down faster than heat up? I thought it was a matter of the thermal capacity of the soil. Given a specific thermal capacity..the heating and cooling rates would be the same. takes a lot of heat to warm water, but it stays warmer longer than say a rock... which heats and cools quickly.

A simply (and very beneficial) source of heat is a dehumidifier. I have two large ones running in my room at night. to stabilize temperatures.

I will say that night time temperatures are pretty critical though. I got alot of stretch in my last grow as my wife didn't empty the dehu and it wasn't cooling at night during the first week of flower while I was out of town... yes, I was pissed but it happens.

You don't have to be concerned about negative pressure, or the lack of it. I doubt there is much negative pressure in there anyways unless it is completely sealed super tight. Even then the negative pressure would be negligible.
^ my one 240 cfm axial fan caused enough negative pressure to make a sunshield basically implode in my cabinet... I've had to reinforce the edges with nails to attempt to hold the sunshield from imploding.
Hope u lot have a 17" monitor or more...

New 80W heater to kick off the update!

General Plant

Beast of a main stalk:

Example of yellowing leaves up close and personal... doesn't look like any sort of yellowing i've encountered in the past, this is something else...

Been completely forgetting to even check if the lights have needed to be moved up recently, checked today after noticing a little bleaching on the tops of the middle of the canopy and ended up moving the light up about 4-5 inches. Gotta remember to check every couple days at this stage, she's definitely creeping up on a daily basis. The odd over-towering branch/cola compared to the rest of the canopy illustrates this.
At some point I'll make a T-shirt with one of those photos :P

Nice one mate, can't help with the heating problem, but I defo enjoy the update :)
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6637701 said:
cant tell what the yellowing is but your bud is filling in great :D

Yup they sure are, getting longer and fatter slowly, but its noticable.

It's funny i think all this yellowing is actually aiding the bud development of suze, as its forcing me to shortern big leaves by clipping off the ends. This is turn from what i can see is allowing more light to directly reach the leaves growing out the buds further down the branching, allowing these to get fatter. If i wasn't opening up the canopy by trimming leaves every couple days then such buds/leaves would be in permanent shade or worse completely covered by leaves growing from other branches. Obviously at the end of the day i'm cutting off foliage which is generally frowned upon, especially at the tops, but i think those that say never cut off leaves/prune are wrong, it completely depends on what kind of a grow you're doing and in a grow like mine, its essential.

I couldn't get away with growing this bush without pruning like i do. I cut a lot off but a lot grows back! And when it does, its at the right place and grows at the right time where i can let it get big over a 2 week period without it getting in the way, if any of this even makes any sense...

The yellowing is only affecting the very top of the canopy and these are the only parts of the branches that are getting pruned at the moment. For this reason, further down the branching, there's like a sheet of foliage thats restricting light/air flow. Goes to show if suze never yellowed i probably wouldnt've cut much off, even if i thought it would benefit her.

At some point I'll make a T-shirt with one of those photos :P

Nice one mate, can't help with the heating problem, but I defo enjoy the update :)

haha thanks man, i duno where i'd go wearing it though! Heating problem has a solution, its just getting round to making the hole and buying the ducting and all that... I remember throwing away some 4" ducting i replaced with 5", wish i kept it now! Would've been perfect.

Glad u enjoyed the update, whenever u want one just hassle me enough, i'll give in eventually like i did this week
The only things I can think of off the top of my head where there is yellowing with green veins is manganese or iron deficiency.

Here for the yellowing.

Man those bud sites are gonna be off the hook soon!

Indicator, looked a bit more into it and i have to agree with u, better yet machnak's post kinda confirms it. I'm also thinking this plastic-y issue is the silicon +, makes sense when u think about it! And i think i know why. The guy at the shop said if ur gona use it, use it through-out the grow pretty much every watering. I was using it rarely to begin with and only recently started using it consistently, i'm thinking the plant doesn't know what to do with all this excess and is sticking it into the leaves making them all weird feeling and looking (silicon-y!).

I've been feeding her under full strength of the stuff past 2 feedings to the best of my memory, and i want to try and reduce the dosage over time, maybe a period of 2 weeks, until its out the equation. I'll also include a lil cal-mag in the next feeding to sort out the deficiencies, probably 1/2 strength, gave her some cal-mag after the flush not too long ago. I want to avoid giving her a flush now as her new growth is still pretty lush and green (aside from the very tops), don't want to deprive her of something else whilst trying to fix this problem.

Next feeding should be on friday but i'll hit her up on thursday, wana get the tops sorted as these are the only parts still producing yellow tips

Appreciate ur guys help

Is she every gona be 100% durin flower?!