One Little Bagseed PC Case Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello to anybody who may be following this journal!

Alright, here is the run down:

Enclosure: Old IBM Server 325

Lighting: Single white CFL bulb... may add a UV bulb, and/or switch to a more yellow bulb when I flower.

Seed: As the title says: bagseed. I only have one, so I'm really hoping it'll turn out to be female. I feel like it is, but I'm not sure yet.

Soil: All compost from our pile, and some coffee grounds thrown in for good measure.

Water: Right now I'm using old water from partially empty bottles of water. I went away for a month or so, and I can't drink it. I know the PH might not be perfect, but I've used it for more delicate plants and haven't had a problem.

Nutes: none right now. I'll probably get a bottle of Schultz African Violet flowering food when I put it into flower, but other than that, nothing.

Other: Molasses from start (and probably to finish).

So, I have wanted to do a bit of a grow for a while now. A month ago I smoked some with my sister, and the little nug had a seed in it. I really liked the high (mostly stoned, but a bit of a high), it had a good taste, and like I said, I wanted to grow. Anyhow I have been planning for a while and I just got my grow started last week.

The first few days were pretty uneventful. I cut the bottom off of a water bottle, and I cut the top portion of too. I took a paper towel, wet it with some coffee (I have found caffiene to greatly increase the speed of growth in other plants), and wrapped the seed and put it in the water bottle enclosure (pushed the top part onto the bottom). I then put this dome of sorts on my laptops power-brick to germ.

When I had about half an inch of root poking out, I planted it, and watered it well with some molasses water. Unfortunately, the day after I planted it, I had to go out of town for a funeral. Before I left, I checked my baby, and nothing was there. When I came back (32-ish hrs later), it had it's first set of real leaves, and the seed case had fallen off.

That is pretty much it for now. Here are some pics:

That is the best close up I could get with my camera.

Not a terribly awesome picture, but I'll throw it in just for the heck of it.

Just a wide shot. In hindsight I probably should've taken pictures of how the light is hanging... I'll do that tomorrow.

If anybody wants to tell me how to post the pictures as thumbnails, please do!


Well-Known Member
off to a good start. and as far as adding pictures as thumbnails when you are posting in your thread scrol past the text box down to where there is a manage attachment. then upload your pics.

im also growing in a pc bow and love seein other people do it.

btw you might want to cover the soil on the sides so the roots arnt exposed to light. just tape around it, seeing as how plants never have light touching their roots.


Well-Known Member
yah califarmer is right you need to light proof your pot so lights dont fry your roots and you should honestly take more of those components out of your case make as much room as possible... good luck! need any idea check my pc grow in my sig.