ONE LIGHT ONE PLANT one year later.....

Amazing job.very inspiring to newbies like me.
both of my grows are simple & would be very easy to duplicate it's not only newbies that have problems it can happen to anyone I lost 2 grows over the summer if you do this long enough you'll get a hiccup along the way I post in my threads daily to share the experience & hopefully someone gains something useful I read others experience as well & get ideas too we're all individuals here so everyone kind of gets their own style & way of doing things
sounds like a good plan I've never done a sog but I've seen a few & had a friend who did it for awhile cloning & pheno selection is essential

Without a doubt. Currently I've got 14 plants, 5 different strains not including an auto I've got going(first auto I've ran ever) and I'm thinking best case scenario I'll get four moms. After seeing and pheno selection. If not, I've got plenty more beans to play with.
getting closer every day & my next round is vegging while the tents finish up I've got purple city genetics doubledream on the left & kingklonebrand blackjack on the right I haven't smoked the blackjack yet but doubledream is really potent just gotta figure out the veg timeIMG_3740.JPG
chopped & just finished the trimming ended up a tad over 8 oz

Looks good.
Was 8 o's from both tents? Or just 1? I know you were thinking the full spec was gonna take a little longer.

Did you notice any difference in yield between the white/fs? Differences in bud density?
I enjoy following along. Any time you get them to the finish line is reason for celebration IMO! Might not pull the weight you hope to get, but hopefully enough to get through the holidays ;)
Looks good.
Was 8 o's from both tents? Or just 1? I know you were thinking the full spec was gonna take a little longer.

Did you notice any difference in yield between the white/fs? Differences in bud density?
I enjoy following along. Any time you get them to the finish line is reason for celebration IMO! Might not pull the weight you hope to get, but hopefully enough to get through the holidays ;)
this is from the cob tent the clw (osram blurple) is still hanging actually I'm pretty happy with everything the quality is gonna be very good & I'll be back with a full comparison as well as the next round for the cob tent & it's going back with the same strain the clw tent has candyland being fed megacrop any how I'll have more answers to your questions later in the week as this is the perfect opportunity to do some comparisons
some of the drooping was caused from my heater sitting too low to the canopy I raised it & she is perking up this is my first winter running these setups but I think I've got it figured out soon it's gonna be time to fit the screen I fed last night & kicked things up a notch as my color is looking light I'm waiting until I see some roots trying to poke out of the sides of the smart pot a good indication things are doing wellIMG_3941.JPGIMG_3942.JPG IMG_3940.JPG