One finger leaves


Well-Known Member
I’m never here during lights out pal and try to stay away from them once the lights go out the pics taken are of what is effected everything else seems fine all a nice fresh green colour


Well-Known Member
Pics with regular lighting would be needed for anyone to see and diagnose that properly

also please show full plant pics as well so we can see better how the issue is presenting

my initial thought is a toxicity issue
When you say toxicity issue what exactly do you mean pal too much of something? Cut back?


Well-Known Member
aren't they still in veg? you can go in there during lights out or just turn off the grow light and turn on a normal light for some pics.

It's your choice, it all depends how badly you want people to help I guess.


Well-Known Member
I guess take a look on the around to see if you can find something similar and use the advice in that thread.

This may help you determine what's going on



Well-Known Member
I’m still using calmag at 5ml for 12 litres of water do you think maybe I need more cal mag they started looking deficient early veg and iv never upped the cal dose since then and of course they have gotten bigger maybe they’re now deficient at a late stage?


Well-Known Member
Or of course in the same respect maybe cut it out as the the symptoms look the closest to calmag or p and calmag def is what I noticed early on

Bud man 43

Well-Known Member
Sometimes the cause is photoperiod stress.
Lights too close- or possibly just from switching lighting, or a light leak during the dark period.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the cause is photoperiod stress.
Lights too close- or possibly just from switching lighting, or a light leak during the dark period.
Now that makes sense as it’s only in the area closest to the light and right in the centre due to plant size I physically can’t get lights any higher would you suggest they’ll be fine? They have maybe 4 weeks left


Well-Known Member
It's really hard to tell what's going on with the HPS on. Can you turn it off, take some pics with your phone flash on (up close and also back up to show the whole plant) and then turn the light back on?

I'm not to good at diagnosing specific nute deficiencies/lockouts, but I will say I've noticed a lot of growers on here prophylactically adding cal-mag in addition to the base nutes, and having issues in mid-late flower...

Also cal-mag deficiency is not a thing. Calcium and magnesium actually antagonize each other, so too much of one will disrupt the plant's ability to absorb the other...


Well-Known Member
I’ll get my brother to grab a picture tonight just as the lights go off the blotches on the leaves are mainly under the light itself and it is fairly close maybe too close but I’m unable to move it any higher due to tent size

Bud man 43

Well-Known Member
Now that makes sense as it’s only in the area closest to the light and right in the centre due to plant size I physically can’t get lights any higher would you suggest they’ll be fine? They have maybe 4 weeks left
I would think the plant would adjust- just be sure to add nutes as more light needs more nutes to balance out-


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Afternoon guys I got some better pics here can anybody help judging off these?
You have to turn the HPS light off or walk in after lights out and just snap a couple pics with a light or the flash but please get us a a good clear picture in a whiter light. At this point your crop is as likely to herm from other stressors as 5 minutes of light during their dark period. Good luck and I hope we can get this figured out.


Well-Known Member
@curious2garden hi mate thanks for your advice suggesting cal mag def they’re currently getting 1.4ec with 5ml cal mag In that to around 12 litres of water twice a day till substantial run off anybody have any idea where to go next